Donald Trump doesn’t give up, apparently his closest circle does


Trump vs. Biden
Trump doesn’t give up, his inner circle apparently does

Donald Trump playing golf.

Since the electoral defeat, there have been no more public appearances of Trump, he preferred to play golf.

© Al Drago / AFP / Getty Images

Acknowledging Biden’s election is not something Donald Trump can afford. He continues to pretend there is no decision yet. Now it is said that even the first lady suggested to her husband that he accept defeat.

Trump does not give up. Despite his electoral defeat, the president of the United States continues to behave as if nothing had been decided. He still sees himself in a power struggle with Joe Biden. After not initially responding to his victory speech, he reported to Twitter on Sunday. He let it be known that he still sees himself as a victim of systematic electoral fraud. In the tweets he posted, Trump appeared to be citing conservative supporters who allegedly supported his claims. The 74-year-old has been guilty of solid evidence for days.

Meanwhile, the US media is reporting that Trump’s environment is trying to influence the president. Members of his family in particular are said to have great influence on Trump. According to CNN, First Lady Melania advised her husband to accept his defeat.

The closest circle is said to have canceled the electoral victory

Son-in-law Jared Kushner is also said to have spoken to his father-in-law about the issue. According to the news portal “Axios”, he advised him to continue with the legal process. Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump are officially advisers to the president. “Axios” quoted an anonymous source as saying that “unpleasant talks” were taking place in Trump’s orbit and that his inner circle had canceled the election victory, but Trump continued to insist that he had won.

Meanwhile, influential conservatives backed Trump. “President Trump must not give up,” Sen. Lindsey Graham said in an interview with Fox News on Sunday. “This is a controversial election. The media doesn’t decide who becomes president. If they did, there would never be a Republican president,” Graham said. Trump must go to court.

Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, also told Fox News that “at this point” it would be wrong for the president to admit defeat. There is evidence that the election was “stolen” in at least three or four and possibly ten states. Giuliani announced several lawsuits. Giuliani said it was “quite likely” that the Supreme Court would decide in the end. Senator Ted Cruz said he believed there was “a path to victory” for Trump.

Trump has not appeared in public since his election loss, but he drove to his golf club in Virginia on Sunday. Meanwhile, his campaign team continued to solicit lawsuit donations in emails from his followers. However, in the fine print of the donation page on the Internet, it says that a large part of the funds raised will be used to spend campaign debts.
