Donald Trump complains about corona vaccine announcement


The key data made people sit up and take notice. Like the first Western manufacturers, Biontech and Pfizer published promising results, but limited in the scope of details, on a possible corona vaccine. Consequently, your agent offers more than 90 percent protection against Covid-19. Businesses want to apply for an emergency license in the US starting next week.

However, for the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, the focus is less on the potential medical advance. He regrets the timing of the announcement: less than a week after the bitter American election for him. Feel the political motivation behind this.

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer “did not have the courage” to announce the good news before the election, Trump said Monday night (local time) on Twitter. The American company is working on the vaccine with the German company Biontech.

Trump also criticized the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of his administration, which handles approval in his tweet. The FDA should have announced the results earlier, he complained. “Not for political reasons, but to save lives,” Trump wrote. During the election campaign, he had repeatedly promised that there would be good news about vaccines before the vote, and he apparently hoped it would gain political advantage.

“The FDA and the Democrats didn’t want me to have a successful vaccine before the election, so it came out five days later,” Trump wrote on Twitter. His administration’s FDA is headed by Stephen Hahn, whom the Republican Trump himself appointed.

The BNT162b2 vaccine had been developed by Biontech in the “Lightspeed” project since mid-January. The phase III study, crucial for its approval, began in several countries in late July. More than 43,500 people have received at least one of the two vaccines, which are administered every three weeks. According to the manufacturer, protection by vaccination is achieved one week after the second injection.

The protective effect is observed for two years.

In the study, a total of 94 cases of the disease were confirmed as of Sunday. According to the information, the preliminary results will only be evaluated conclusively when a total of 164 cases is reached. In addition, it will be verified to what extent the vaccine not only protects against Covid-19, but also against the serious courses of the disease. In general, both the protective effect and the side effects should be observed over a period of two years.

“These are excellent and promising data,” said Gerd Fätkenheuer, head of infectology at Clinic I for internal medicine at the University Clinic Cologne. “It is incredible that in such a short time this progress, with the development of vaccines and clinical trials, can be achieved in a few months.” The results so far on efficacy and safety are excellent.

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