Donald Trump calls the disease “God’s blessing” and promises free treatments


The corona virus continues to proliferate in the White House and numerous people close to the president are infected. Donald Trump himself recently returned to the Oval Office, and immediately had a promise ready for his compatriots: According to him, they should receive the same treatment with antibody agents that he received.

He would soon sign an extraordinary permit for expedited drug use, Trump said in a video posted Wednesday.

The US president was treated last week with a still experimental drug from the biotech company Regeneron. Afterward, it felt “great” in 24 hours, Trump enthused. “I want you to get what I have, and I will do it for free.” There are “hundreds of thousands of doses.”

However, the actual implementation of this promise is likely to be problematic. Among other things, it is not clear how the approval process for these new drugs can be accelerated.

Trump had tested positive for the new corona virus last week. On Monday he returned to the White House after a three-day stay at Walter Reed Military Hospital.

It was a “blessing from God” that he fell ill with Covid-19, the US president said in the video. This made him aware of the antibody treatment. “I call it a cure,” said Trump, who in addition to drugs that were not available to ordinary citizens, also had several top-notch doctors available 24 hours a day. In the US, more than 211,000 people have died after becoming infected with coronavirus.

According to his doctor, the president’s values ​​are normal

Trump has been symptom-free for 24 hours, according to his doctor, and has resumed his job in the Oval Office. The president has been fever-free in four days, his personal physician Sean Conley said Wednesday. According to Trump spokesman Brian Morgenstern, the president returned to his workplace six days after he became aware of his illness and was briefed on current problems there.

“I feel great,” the president said, according to personal physician Conley, in the morning. The president’s respiratory rate and oxygen saturation are in the normal range and stable, as the personal physician announced at a brief press conference on Trump’s status.

Trump’s behavior is viewed critically by experts, also because the number of corona infections among White House employees is increasing. The president, however, had promised his supporters to return to the election campaign shortly and participate in the second presidential debate against Democrat Joe Biden on October 15 in Miami.

Trump is clearly behind in the polls

The president faces poor poll results in the run-up to the November 3 election. The television station CNN, for example, gives Trump’s opponent a clear advantage of 57 percent for Biden to 41 percent for the Republican incumbent.

Trump’s handling of the pandemic takes joint responsibility for the devastating development in the US The right-wing populist has downplayed the danger posed by the virus for months and has repeatedly caused confusion with misleading statements. Trump also almost never wore a protective mask and repeatedly mocked wearers of the mask.

Icon: The mirror
