Donald Trump: Bribery Matter Revealed? – The president of the United States is furious


  • Nico check

    sinceNico check


  • Marvin ziegele

    Marvin ziegele


The US judiciary has apparently examined possible bribery payments in exchange for pardons from Donald Trump. The president of the United States is furious on Twitter.

  • the American Justice investigates possible criminal activity Sorry Relative to Kickback. US President Donald Trump it moves into the focus of researchers.
  • After the revelations, rage Donald trump in Twitter.
  • Is the holder US President Donald Trump at Bribery matter involved?

Washington – die American Justice deal with a possible Bribery matter. Could be about Donald trump Former Security Advisor Michael flynn Let’s go. The retired general was on it affair possible Russian influence during the 2016 U.S. elections tangled up. Last week it was Donald trump forgiven. The owner The american president he exposes himself to the charge of abuse of power. Trump had saved his longtime adviser, Roger Stone, a prison sentence in the summer.

The American judiciary investigates: is Donald Trump involved in a bribery matter?

As the “New York Times” reports, a federal court published in Washington a 20-page court document showing the possible use of Bribes examined. The names are not mentioned in the document that US Judge Beryl A. Howell released to the public on Tuesday; much of it has been blackened. It is unclear who may have been involved in the possible crime. Donald trump I note Twitterthat the investigation was “fake news”.

US President Donald Trump was enraged after the disclosure of his tax matter. (File photo)

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In the published document of the American Justicewhat is possible Bribery matter treated, it speaks of more than 50 confiscated digital storage media, which should not fall under the secure communication of a lawyer with his client. The responsible investigators suspect that a crime was committed, which appears under the heading “Bribery for pardon”.

According to the New York Times report, one person allegedly offered “a substantial political donation in exchange for a pardon or a stay of execution.” Two other people are said to be a secret Lobby campaign have promised to obtain a pardon against one bribery to get. Here we also speak of “political donation”. Even more: That White House could of the plan and the Bribery matter I knew it, although it is not entirely clear who the “White House” refers to.

Donald Trump: the president of the United States plans “preventive pardons”

For forgiveness has The american president almost unlimited powers. More pardons could be granted at the end of his term. Donald trump Consequences. It is also said that Trump’s top attorney, Rudy Giuliani, asked the president of the United States for a clemency. Donald Trump especially fears “retaliation” by the Justice Department of future US President Joe Biden. Therefore, he had already taken precautions and spoke with advisers about a “preventive pardon” for his children Donald Trump Junior, Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump. Donald trump is president until January 20, 2021 with all rights. (Nico Scheck, Marvin Ziegele)

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