Donald Trump at CPAC conference: former president rules out a new party


In his first public appearance since leaving office, former US President Donald Trump ruled out the creation of a new party. “I am not going to found a new party,” Trump said Sunday in Orlando at the CPAC conference, an event organized by conservative activists.

“We have the Republican Party,” Trump said. You will be united and stronger than ever. “I will continue to fight directly by your side.” Previous reports about the possible formation of a party of their own were “fake news.” At the same time, Trump attacked several critics of the party, especially the MPs who had voted against him in the impeachment process.

A bid in the 2024 presidential election did not rule out Trump, but it remained vague. “They actually just lost the White House, as you know,” Trump said, referring to Democrats. “He might even decide to hit her a third time,” the audience responded with thunderous applause.

Trump still refuses to admit defeat to Biden to this day. He has never presented evidence to support his allegations of fraud. Biden won 81 million votes in the election and had a clear majority of the electorate. Some 74 million Americans voted for Trump. Dozens of demands from the Trump camp against the result were unsuccessful. However, he said again in his speech that it was “impossible” that he had lost.

The Republican had already openly flirted with the possibility of running for president again in the past. After his acquittal in the impeachment proceedings for storming the Capitol on January 6, this path is basically open for him.

Trump on Biden: “first month of disaster”

Trump also harshly criticized the policies of his successor Joe Biden, which is unusual for a recently retired US president. He certified Biden as “the most disastrous first month for a president in modern history.”

The new administration is “anti-employment, anti-family, anti-border, anti-energy, anti-women, anti-science,” Trump said. Biden is opening the border with neighboring Mexico and allowing countless migrants to enter the country, Trump said in front of conservative politicians and activists. The new president is also leading the country to “socialism” and ultimately “communism” with a “radical” leftist policy. Trump’s appearance was met with frenzied applause and “USA! USA! USES! «- accompanied calls.

Trump’s speech was largely similar to his campaign speeches last year. The Republican claimed to have built the “strongest economy” in world history and achieved great success in fighting the crown pandemic. By developing vaccines against the corona virus, the United States would have “saved large parts of the world,” Trump said.

In the United States, more than 510,000 people have already died as a result of the pandemic, by far the highest number in the world. Critics hold Trump’s crisis management largely responsible for this.

Trump is not indisputable in his party. However, he still has great support from much of the party and the rank and file. That was also evident in an opinion poll of CPAC conference attendees on who would be the best Republican presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

Trump came in first by a wide margin at 55 percent. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis came in second with 21 percent of the vote. 97 percent of the participants gave Trump a good report card.

Icon: The mirror
