Doctors on the state of the US president: Trump could return to the White House soon – politics


Trump’s questionable comments on the pandemic

It’s been for months US President Donald Trump US citizens with false or misleading statements about the corona pandemic confused. Now corona infection has been detected in him and his wife Melania and the president is in the hospital. A timeline of Trump’s controversial comments:

January 22
When asked by a journalist about the first confirmed case in the United States if he was concerned about a possible pandemic, Trump said: “No, not at all. We have him completely under control. He is a person who came from China.”

Feb. 10
At an election campaign event: “It seems that, in theory, in April, when it is a little warmer, it will miraculously disappear.”

March 16
To a journalist’s question, how many points would you give yourself on a scale of one to ten for your crisis management? “I would give ten points because we did a great job.”

March 17
At a press conference at the White House: “I always knew it was a real pandemic … I felt like it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

March 20
When asked by a journalist what message he had for concerned American citizens in light of the rising death rate: “I’m saying you are a terrible reporter.”

March 21st
Trump is promoting a drug combination consisting of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin as the crown drug on Twitter: “Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin together could be one of the most innovative breakthroughs in medical history.” In April, US authorities advised against the use of the drug cocktail due to health risks.

March 22
Trump is upset about the economic impact of the blockade on Twitter: “We cannot allow the cure to be worse than the problem itself.”

March 29
In the Rose Garden of the White House: “Now there is talk of 2.2 million deaths (…). If (ultimately) it is between 100,000 and 200,000, we have all done a very good job together.” The 200,000 crown kills mark in the US will be surpassed on September 22.

April 17th
“Free Minnesota!”, “Free Michigan!” “Free Virginia”: Trump calls on Twitter for protests against exit restrictions in some US states.

April 23rd
At a press conference at the White House: “And then I see a disinfectant that kills it (the virus) in a minute. In a minute. And is there a way to do something like that, injecting it internally or almost like a purge. of course) in the lungs. It would be interesting to see. “

18. May
Trump announces that he is taking hydroxychloroquine as a precautionary measure to protect himself from the coronavirus because he “thinks it is good.” “I’ve heard a lot of good stories about it.”

June 21
In a controversial first election campaign appearance in front of thousands of supporters in the city of Tulsa after more than a three-month crown hiatus, Trump speaks in favor of fewer corona tests: “Testing is a double-edged sword. (…) If you test so much, you find more people, more cases. That’s why I told my people: ‘Please test more slowly!'”

September 9
Excerpts from a popular book by star journalist Bob Woodward show that Trump deliberately misled the public about the dangers of Corona. “I always wanted to minimize it. I still like to minimize it because I don’t want to panic.”Trump said in an interview in mid-March.

September 29th
In the television duel with his electoral challenger Joe Biden, Trump mocks his rival’s protective mask: “He has a mask on every time you see him. He could talk 200 feet away, and he comes with the largest mask I’ve ever seen.”

October 2nd
Trump announces his corona infection in a late-night tweet: “The first lady and I tested positive for Covid-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this together!”
