Doctor of Law Püschel: “The time for virologists is over”


Ab 2 p.m., a video conference decides how and whether the strict crown measures of the federal and state governments will continue. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to prepare the federal-state accountant with members of the Crown cabinet in the morning.

Following talks with the prime ministers, the chancellor is scheduled to inform the public of the results. Numerous politicians and experts from the various federal states are now participating in the relaxation discussion.

Hamburg coroner Klaus Püschel asks the Chancellor to slowly open Germany again. “Now is the right time,” says Püschel of the “Hamburger Abendblatt.” He added: “The era of virologists is over. Now we should ask others what needs to be done in the crown crisis, like intensive care medicine. ”

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Leopoldin Suggestions

Germans would have to learn to live with the coronavirus without quarantine. All of the deaths he examined had previous illnesses so severe that “even if that sounds difficult, they would all have died during the course of this year,” Püschel said.

NRW: High school graduates should go back to school

In North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Laschet has called for a common roadmap for the federal states. “We need a consensus among the 16 countries. School politics, in particular, should not go it alone, ”said Laschet of the German Press Agency in Berlin.

School Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) announced that she would gradually open the schools again after the Easter break. That is their “fixed objective,” especially to allow for exams. A week later, the first daycare children at NRW are expected to be able to return to daycare, as suggested by the state’s family minister, Joachim Stamp (FDP).

Laschet said: “The proposal by several scientists to immediately teach all classes from one to ten in schools again is not responsible from the perspective of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia.” Priority would be given to those students preparing for degrees such as high school. The next steps would have to be decided together in light of the experience gained. It was important to have a “clear common roadmap on the road to responsible normality.”

The prime minister emphasized: “North Rhine-Westphalia has provided ideas and concepts for consultations between the federal state and will now implement what the states decide together with the federal chancellor.” In retail, authorization regulations and protective measures are particularly important. “We need to contain the virus more, more specifically than before,” he said.

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Bavaria rejects the timely opening of the school

Bavarias Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) subsequently rejected an early opening of schools after the Easter break in the ZDF “Today Journal”.

Söder said Tuesday night at ZDF that he was “very reluctant to go to schools.” He is also skeptical that elementary schools open first. “I have a fundamentally different vision.” Söder also distanced himself from a recommendation from the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences.

“In the final exams, I think you can be generous, because students also need a degree for their future career,” Söder said in ARD’s “Daily Topics”. Protective measures could also be much better organized here. In general, it is recommended that the policy listen to educator warnings about early school opening. “A less hectic pace, a little more patience and prudence could help everyone.”

In Thuringia Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) has spoken out when considering reopening schools first taking into account age groups that are about to graduate from high school or graduate this year. It had also expressed the expectation that retailers could gradually reopen under certain guidelines.

Too Saxonys Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has spoken in favor of taking important school exams even in the Corona crisis. “We all don’t want people in ten, in twenty, in thirty years to be asked, ‘So it was the year at the time who did an A level? “The CDU politician said on Wednesday in the ARD-” Morning Magazine. “

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On the first day of the relaxed measures, people mainly stormed the DIY and garden centers.

Crown closure in Austria

Leopoldina and RKI contradict each other

He Leopoldin he had asked for a “realistic” schedule to return to normal. Scientists recommended opening schools “as soon as possible,” starting with elementary schools and lower and middle levels. Leopoldin also mentioned many conditions for a return to greater normality. There is also a writing by an expert council appointed by Laschet.

The Robert Koch Institute, on the other hand, suggested that schools be reopened for the later years. It is about assuming that young people could better comply with distance rules, said RKI President Lothar Wieler.

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Students apply for high school diplomas without an exam

He President of the German Teachers AssociationHeinz-Peter Meidinger spoke out against a comprehensive school start just after the Easter break.

“No, definitely not,” Meidinger said Wednesday at the ARD “Morgenmagazin” when asked if he thought he would be responsible if the students returned to their classrooms next Monday. Schools should be given time to prepare, for example, hygiene measures and distance rules, and to furnish the classrooms accordingly, he emphasized. “It will take us a week to do everything.”

Giffey plans to open nurseries before summer

Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) demands a gradual opening of the nurseries. The Leopoldina National Academy proposal to keep the facilities largely closed until the summer holidays “is not a good way,” Giffey said in ARD’s “Morgenmagazin” on Wednesday. “We have to gradually get back to normal here.”

Giffey referred, among other things, to the attention problems of single parents. It should also be noted that older kindergarten children must be prepared to move to elementary school. And there are children who lived “in quite a difficult situation” at home.

If you follow the expert recommendation that only five children should be cared for per teacher in one room, only about a third of the more than three million day-care centers in Germany can be used, Giffey calculated. Therefore, it was necessary to consider which families could use these places. In addition, hygiene and protection equipment must be available in nurseries.

Bundesliga: Spahn for ghost games

In the discussion on an early resumption of games in the Bundesliga meanwhile the DFL apparently has an ally in the Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) found.

Spahn is said to have spoken internally in favor of ghost games, but only under very strict hygiene requirements, reports the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday), citing government circles. Therefore, Spahn considers this to be “possible and also important for millions of football fans in view of the other difficulties.”

Söder said about the other existing measures, although there could be some relief in the next two or three weeks, for example in commerce, but always connected with clear requirements such as hygiene concepts, distance requirements, upper limits for the number of people. per square meter and protective masks.

Regarding retail, he called for “at least one mask requirement, one mouth protection requirement.” The same applies to local public transportation. When asked about “daily problems,” whether he was in favor of an offer or an obligation to wear masks, the CSU chief said, “We will discuss this. I am very much in favor of the fact that we should handle this more strictly.” . One thing is clear: “If we make it easier, there must be more protection at the same time.”
