Disturbing truth? The union calls for a “visitor ban” for AfD deputies


Germany Harassed MPs

The union calls for a “visitor ban” for AfD deputies

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Who left Corona’s opponents in the Bundestag?

There were hundreds of arrests in Berlin during protests by opponents of Corona. Right-wing activists came to the Bundestag and harassed politicians there. Now the council of elders is grappling with the suspicion that the AfD may have let rioters into the building.

In the Bundestag, several MPs, including Peter Altmaier, were harassed by right-wing rioters on Wednesday. People were suspected of entering the parliament building as guests of the AfD. The council of elders wants to enlighten.

northAfter disruptions by AfD visitors in the Bundestag on Wednesday, the Union parliamentary group calls for a “visit ban” for the AfD MPs allegedly involved. “Anyone who smuggles people into the Bundestag who are not supposed to ‘visit’ but to agitate must feel grave consequences,” said Mathias Middelberg (CDU), internal policy spokesman for the Bundestag faction of the “Neue Union. Osnabrücker Zeitung “.

Criminal offenses and administrative offenses must be controlled. “In any case, interested deputies should be prohibited from receiving visitors to the Bundestag until the end of the electoral period,” Middelberg said.

The Bundestag’s council of elders on Thursday dealt with the suspicion that the AfD smuggled right-wing rioters into the Reichstag building the day before. These are said to have harassed MPs in the corridors during the debate on the Infection Protection Act, as reported by several MPs.

“If it turns out that AfD MPs have given access to the Reichstag to people who have put pressure on MPs or prevented them from fulfilling their mandate, that must have consequences,” said the first parliamentary managing director of the FDP parliamentary group. Marco Buschmann, the German Press Agency. “That would be very little parliamentary. We will investigate the matter in any case in the council of elders. “

The council of elders meets that afternoon. The first parliamentary managing director of the AfD parliamentary group, Bernd Baumann, said on Wednesday night that his group had no knowledge that AfD members had smuggled unauthorized persons into the Bundestag. “If guests who have been regularly checked in by individual members and who have been checked by the Bundestag have violated the house rules, we will investigate these allegations.”

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According to a report from the Germany publishing network, an AfD member confirmed that a woman from his list was invited to the meeting. It is said that it was the woman who pressured Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) with questions, filmed him and insulted him. This can be seen in a YouTube video. Other activists also came to the Bundestag at the invitation of the AfD. This is also consistent with the ARD capital study research.

“It’s monstrous! We will defend our democracy and our parliament against the enemies of democracy, ”wrote Britta Haßelmann, the first Parliamentary Director of the Greens, on Twitter. The incidents had to “be dealt with immediately in the parliamentary bodies.” The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), should present a full progress report at the meeting of the Council of Elders.

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“Putting pressure on the deputies and hindering the free exercise of their mandate, undermines the foundations of our democracy,” said the first parliamentary manager of the Union faction, Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU), of the portal “ThePioneer” (Thursday). He also demanded extensive clarification from the council of elders.

SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil called the AfD’s behavior “absolutely undemocratic and unworthy.” This “always has in mind the stated goal of destabilizing our democratic system,” he told the “Spiegel.”
