Disturbing scenario for “Ökozid”: ARD film wanted to take Merkel to court like the Nazis in Nuremberg


ARD feature film premiere that has it all!

A science fiction film that was screened on Wednesday at 8:15 pm at ARD bears the provocative name “Ökozid” and is set in the year 2034. This year, it is suggested, will take place the legal prosecution of the climate crisis . Because the climatic catastrophe has left dramatic traces such as droughts and floods. Millions of people’s livelihoods have been destroyed, so fiction.

Explosive: Apparently, the two writers of “Ökozid” initially had a particularly ghoulish setting in mind. Therefore, Chancellor Angela Merkel should be brought to justice like the Nazis in Nuremberg!

“Initially, for example, Angela Merkel and Gerhard Schröder should appear in court as defendants, following the example of the Nuremberg trials,” explains Alexandra Kemmerer, consultant at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, in an interview.

Just because the authors decided to use the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as a forum for their film, the idea could not be implemented. Because only the so-called state procedures are foreseen before the ICJ.

But: “In order not to nullify the idea entirely, Angela Merkel now has a prominent witness role in the film,” says Kemmerer.

Frau Dr. Angela Merkel (Martina Eitner-Acheampong), Bundeskanzlerin a.D., im Gespräch mit den RichternPhoto: rbb / zero one film / Julia Terjung

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/frau-dr-angela-merkel-martina-eitner-acheampong-bundeskanzlerin-ad–im-gespraech-mit-den-richtern-201582175 -74021484 / Image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

Miss Dr. Angela Merkel (Martina Eitner-Acheampong), former Federal Chancellor, in conversation with the judgesPhoto: rbb / zero one film / Julia Terjung

Victor Graf (gespielt von Ulrich Tukur) steht als Verteidiger der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im GerichtssaalPhoto: rbb / zero one film / Julia Terjung

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/victor-graf-gespiele-von-ulrich-tukur-estand-als-verteidiger-der-bundes Republik-deutschland-im-geri-201582176 – 74021496 / image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

Victor Graf (played by Ulrich Tukur) is in the courtroom as a defense attorney for the Federal Republic of Germany.Photo: rbb / zero one film / Julia Terjung

Die Richterinnen und Richter am Internationalen Gerichtshof: Robin Gooch, Edgar Selge, Immculada Fornells Gonzalez, Masumi Fukuchi (v.l.n.r)Photo: rbb / zero one film / Julia Terjung

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/die-richterinnen-und-richter-am-internationalen-gerichtshof-robin-gooch-edgar-selge-immculada-forne-201582174-74021692/ Image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

The judges of the International Court of Justice: Robin Gooch, Edgar Selge, Immculada Fornells Gonzalez, Masumi Fukuchi (from left to right)Photo: rbb / zero one film / Julia Terjung

Background: According to the description of the ARD film, a provisional international court in Berlin will judge whether German politicians should be held responsible for their failure to protect the climate. Important representatives of politics and business are invited as witnesses.

Screenwriters Jutta Doberstein and Andres Veiel apparently sought the advice of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law for the script.

It remains to be seen if the advice has paid off, and to what extent the film is actually pushing its limits.

In the Nuremberg trials after World War II, German politicians, the military, and Nazi officials were brought to justice for the first time for their serious crimes against civilians during the Nazi era. Twelve defendants were sentenced to death and seven to prison. Three defendants were acquitted and two others were removed without conviction.
