District Manager Pusch Let His Frustration Over Corona Run Free On YouTube


His circle was Corona’s first hotspot in Germany, as a crisis manager, district manager Stephan Pusch gained notoriety throughout Germany. Now he’s venting his frustration over the crown.

Vaccination Appointment Chaos, Concerned Citizens, and Desperate Officials – Heinsberg District Administrator Stephan Pusch describes the dramatic vaccination situation in his district in a 12-minute YouTube video, and talks to Tacheles about corona policy German. “If my employees have to play comforter here and sit and cry on the phone, then something is wrong,” said the CDU politician. You can see Pusch’s statements in the video above or Here.

What it means: the sometimes catastrophic conditions in the allocation of vaccination appointments, both on the Internet pages, which would crash again and again, and on the vaccination hotlines, where there are often no vaccination appointments available . “This is not about theater tickets, but about people who fear for their lives,” Pusch said. “If you had weeks of time, then I have to say: it is very, very modest what was established here.”

“Otherwise the families will collapse”

According to Pusch, when the government says that everything went well, it is purely a diversionary maneuver. He accuses the politicians of having lost contact with the rank and file. Pusch: “You don’t know what is happening with the citizens.” According to Pusch, the corona measures must end soon, the acceptable level has been reached: “At least some of the children have to go back to school. Otherwise, families will collapse, otherwise parents will collapse.”

Even with the EU and its vaccination contracts with pharmaceutical companies the district manager recounts: “All the farmers in the district would have negotiated better.” They “apparently approached the matter in a very naive way,” Pusch said.

The Heinsberg district was the first pandemic hotspot in Germany in the spring of 2020. Hundreds of people were infected with the corona virus after a carnival session.
