Distance, hygiene, no buffets: how Corona will change your vacation


Going on vacation this year will feel very different, because the Corona pandemic will make tourists feel many changes. Travel is only possible if strict protection measures are taken. What does that mean for hotels, restaurants and visiting the beach?

It will be another summer, that’s for sure. Every traveler has to be prepared for numerous changes, because Germany will experience a summer vacation during a pandemic. And that means one thing above all: many rules.

The entire tourism and catering industry must ensure that holiday guests are under Compliance with all distance and hygiene regulations. Spending Your Vacation A world travel warning for non-tourist travel abroad is currently valid until June 14. Therefore, much is focused on the prospects for vacations in Germany.

No one wants a second Ischgl experience

On the one hand, the tourism industry wants to make the most beautiful days of the year as relaxing as possible for tourists, on the other hand, it would be fatal if an uncontrolled coronavirus checkpoint were created in a hotel or restaurant. Finally, the German authorities learned that the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl has become a virus launch site. Because a bar after skiing there was closed too late and so countless domestic and foreign tourists were infected, the virus spread rapidly in Europe. The federal and state governments want to avoid such things with the respective rules and measures in Germany.

Federal states are responsible for the reopening of restaurants and hoteliers, and have very different regulations on how they want to protect from infection.

Hotels and restaurants have to follow many rules.

Due to the pandemic and the high risk of infection, hotels have to leave many of their rooms free and occupy less. This is to ensure that there are not too many people in a hotel.

According to the German Association of Hotels and Restaurants Dehoga Minimum distance of 1.5 meters for employees and guests. Guaranteed: This applies to workplaces, guest tables and traffic routes in hotels and restaurants. Whenever possible, space barriers should be created or mouth-nose covers should be used. Employees who come into contact with guests must also have a mouth and nose cover wear.

In addition, the association indicates in the guidelines that the respective requirements of the federal states must be implemented. For example, if it is Space limitations and gastronomic offer. gives. Sometimes buffets are no longer allowed.

As in hotels, the flow of guests and the number of people in the catering industry will adapt to the new situation. Also, restaurants should Write down the details of the guest, so that the health department can trace a chain of infection in case of possible transmission of the virus.

All companies have to adapt their hygiene concepts to the situation of the crown and Cleaning, disinfection and hygiene measures. intensify. Furthermore, contacts must be reduced by creating better signaling systems.

Washing hands and using disinfectants beforehand could become the standard in restaurants and hotels to protect guests and employees. Tourists should find out what regulations might affect them in which federal state. For example, guests can obtain information from the respective hotels.

The concepts of distance and hygiene also apply to Holiday rentals, rural houses and campsites. The respective federal states also decide on the individual regulations.

Sunbathing on the beach

Full beaches have a high risk of infection. For this reason, for example, beach chair rentals are also required to further separate the baskets. This could also reduce the total number.

Whoever goes on vacation in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and sunbathes on the beach should, as everywhere, keep the minimum distance from other people and avoid direct contacts whenever possible.

Is there little capacity in Germany?

The German Travel Association sees scarce resources in Germany if a holiday abroad is not possible this summer: “The capabilities in their own country are far from sufficient for all those who are willing to travel to take their well-deserved vacations”, explains the association. “Because minimum distances and other requirements, such as hotel occupancy rates, must be observed, and traveling also implies a certain lightness,” the association wrote in a press release.

Hotels that cannot accommodate all tourists due to the crown, recommended the federal government’s tourism commissioner, Thomas Bareiß, to give preference to first customers and regular guests: “It is necessary to check on the site which guests have actually booked to long term, “Bareiß said yesterday on” ntv Frühstart “.

Holidays abroad still open

It is still unclear whether a vacation in other European countries will be possible this summer. The international travel warning would have to be lifted, or bilateral agreements would have to be concluded between the German government and other countries. Many politicians, such as Foreign Minister Heiko Maas or the government’s tourism commissioner, make it clear that traveling would only be possible if there were low infection rates in the respective countries. In addition, there must be strict hygiene concepts to keep the pandemic under control.

Traveling by train

According to Deutsche Bahn, anyone wishing to travel the country on ICE, IC, or on a regional express train must wear a mouth-to-nose cover. The oral protection obligation also applies throughout the country to local public transport. However, there are two exceptions to the train: “Children under the age of 6 are not required to wear a mouth and nose cap and those who are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons are not required to do so,” explains the train in your website.

Travel by airplane

Air traffic is currently very limited. Lufthansa asks its passengers to wear mouth and nose protection to keep the risk of infection as low as possible. The crew also uses that cover. Depending on the airline travelers are traveling with, they should inquire about such arrangements before a possible flight.
