Distance education in January: Hamburg school senator under pressure | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Hamburg


Status: December 30, 2020 4:56 pm

School Senator Rabe does not want the schools to be operational again until January 18 at the earliest. An initiative of parents criticizes the decision to carry out studies at a distance. Meanwhile, Rabe is under political pressure

After the Christmas holidays, there will be no normal classes in Hamburg for at least two weeks due to the corona pandemic. On Tuesday, the Senate raised school attendance to January 17. Even in the last two weeks of January, regular face-to-face classes are unlikely to take place at all grade levels. Hamburg school senator Ties Rabe (SPD) wants to extend distance education until January 17 and allow schools to start again on January 18 at the earliest.

“De facto all students in distance education”

The parents’ initiative “Families in crisis” criticizes the decision to study at a distance. “This is in stark contrast to the previously well-founded course of offering as much face-to-face teaching as possible and also taking the age of students into account when planning distance lessons and changing models,” said co-founder Anna-Maria Kuricová on Wednesday. in Hamburg. The suspension of compulsory attendance in Hamburg has led to the fact that in many schools there are no longer lessons on site and only emergency care is offered. This means that all students are de facto in distance education, with all the stress that this implies for children and parents. The initiative calls for schools to be fully open in January. “Schools are the last to close and the first to open again. We saw this compromise of German politics as progress,” Kuricová said. You cannot understand why Hamburg has already decided to extend distance learning, even before a lock extension was decided. “We miss an educational concept that does justice to children. We also demand educational justice in the pandemic,” Kuricová said.

Raven under pressure

The left, together with the CDU, calls a special meeting of the school committee, where the massive corona outbreak at the Heinrich Hertz school should also be discussed. “Senator Rabe must now clarify immediately how long he has known the results of the investigation and why he has hidden these results from the public and citizens,” said CDU parliamentary group leader Dennis Thering.

The background for this is a study conducted by the Heinrich Pette Institute (HPI) and the Hamburg Eppendorf University Medical Center (UKE) from September, according to which several pupils at the school were infected with the coronavirus. The researchers ruled out the possibility that the outbreak was due to independent inputs with a probability close to certainty. The study was published shortly before Christmas, not by the school, but by the social welfare authority and not voluntarily, but only after a citizen inquiry through the “Ask the State” portal.

Coalition rejects special session

The red-green coalition rejected a special meeting of the school committee and announced that it would raise the matter at the regular meeting of the next school committee as part of a self-discussion. He also defended the non-publication of the study. The leader of the CDU parliamentary group, Thering, said, on the other hand, despite the knowledge of the results of the study, “the senator of the Hamburg school, with the support of the first mayor, maintained to the end and obviously against a better understanding that Hamburg schools were safe places. ” School authorities said they had one eye on all schools, while reviewers only looked at the Heinrich Hertz School itself. Between summer and fall vacations, “of 372 infected students, a maximum of 80 (21.5 percent) were infected in their respective schools (…)”.

Stöver wants “butter for the fish”

For CDU school expert Birgit Stöver, Rabe’s “ignorance” meant that Hamburg schools were not even rudimentary ready for safe learning under crown conditions. “The impression remains that Senator Rabe is lost and is just trying to get out of it while keeping up appearances.” That is doubtful. Instead, Rabe should create planning security. “Now we need butter with the fish immediately, as it should go with a safe school operation from January 18,” Stöver demanded.

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Sabine Boeddinghaus, agreed. “That is why now we need a special meeting of the school committee in which we expect clarification and transparency, both about the results of the study on the occurrence of infections at the Heinrich Hertz School and about the short, medium and long term strategies to deal with the pandemic. for the summer holidays. ” The exams are also imminent; here too, students have a “right to safety, health protection, and fair opportunities.”

More information

An empty classroom with high chairs and an open window.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Frank May

Due to the persistently high number of corona infections, face-to-face classes will not start even after the Christmas holidays. (30/12/2020) more

The senator of the Hamburg school Ties Rabe (SPD) in the Hamburg parliament.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Daniel Reinhardt

One study examined a crown bud at the Heinrich Hertz School in Hamburg. School Senator Rabe is now under fire. (28.12.2020) more

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