Dispute over the US defense budget: Republicans back away from Trump


The gaps between the White House and Republicans in Congress deepen in the final meters of the Trump presidency. Either with the defense budget or with the help of the Crown: there is a dispute within the party.

By Sebastian Hesse, ARD-Studio Washington

Mitch McConnell has perhaps the toughest job in Washington these days. As the “majority leader” in the Senate, a mix of parliamentary group leader and parliamentary speaker, the most powerful Republican after Trump decides whether and when to vote on what issue. On the defense budget, McConnell unequivocally opposes the president.

Consequently, the Senate today, like the House of Representatives before, will override Trump’s veto. That alone earned McConnell the anticipated fury of the White House. “We need a new and energetic Republican leadership,” Trump tweeted. “The Republican leadership is weak and tired.”

Trump wants more emergency aid from the crown

Trump continues to pressure his party to collapse and at least approve the highest corona direct aid. Ironically, he has the opposition Democrats on his side. And indeed, the first Republican MPs are making the rounds: First, the two Georgia senators who will face a runoff on January 5: Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. Neither can afford the president’s ire: Without Trump’s support, their chances of voting are rapidly diminishing.

“We are the last line of defense against the attack of the Democrats and their radical socialist program,” said Perdue, who is well aware that it is about much more than his career: that is, the slim majority of Republicans in the Senate.

The Republican majority in the Senate is at stake

“If we win these two Senate seats and the Republicans secure a Senate majority,” Perdue emphasizes, “then we can stop the Democrats and preserve the Trump legacy!” So here’s the current dilemma: If Republicans go for their convictions, say for the least expensive aid package, then the vengeful Trump could ruin Georgia’s runoff and the majority of the Senate would be lost.

Notorious opponents of Trump, like former security adviser John Bolton, are still pushing for the release of the president’s control.

“If more and more Republicans break with the president in principle, that would only be good and healthy for the party!”

Triumphs triumphs

In any case, Mitch McConnell wants to get out of the way with a political ruse. It includes three Trump concerns: higher corona payments, stricter regulation of tech companies, and a committee of inquiry into alleged voter fraud – and let’s vote on them on the package. In the hope that hardly any senator supports all three concerns.

At least the complaining president will not be able to claim that his wishes have been ignored. A few weeks ago, such a Trump stunt would have been unthinkable.
