Dispute over crown measurements: “Great longing for uniform rules”


Status: 04/04/2021 1:39 am

The dispute over the powers of the federal and state governments in the Corona crisis continues to rage. Interior Minister Seehofer has now spoken in favor of a law that standardizes the handling of the pandemic. The government appears to be still divided.

In the dispute over the distribution of powers between the federal and state governments to combat the corona pandemic, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has campaigned for uniform standards at the national level by federal law. “There is a great longing in the population for uniform rules. My suggestion, therefore, is to establish the uniform rules through a federal law,” said Seehofer of “Welt am Sonntag.” “This law should dictate exactly what steps should be taken with the respective incidence values, from tightening to easing.”

Such a law could, in Seehofer’s words, be passed in a very short time. “Since, like all federal laws, it would be approved by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, it would establish the greatest possible legitimacy, which the opposition has repeatedly called for,” the interior minister said. “The fact is that the federal and state governments have to work together.”

Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) made the same demand. In an interview with the Ed he again came out in favor of uniform and clear crown rules for all of Germany.

Politicians are considering cracking down on the cracks of the pandemic

Robert Holm, RBB, Daily Topics 11:30 pm, April 3, 2021

The government is “considering”

A government spokesman had previously announced that in order to break the third corona wave, it was currently being considered whether the federal government should establish uniform requirements to contain the corona virus, and how, if action by the states is not enough.

The spokesperson did not comment on the time horizon of the considerations. However, he noted that many countries had already implemented additional measures. In Berlin and Hamburg, for example, there are night-out restrictions.

Merkel rebukes state governments

Chancellor Angela Merkel had last Sunday at the ARD shows Anne Will He said countries would have to “step up” in the fight against the pandemic. He criticized the easing of the steps and, at the same time, made it clear that the federal government, for example, by changing the Infection Protection Act, could take the initiative itself.

Meanwhile, the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, demanded concrete proposals from Merkel. If the Chancellor wanted to take action, “then I would like that not only Anne Will It happens, but it presents concrete, feasible proposals, “he told” Passauer Neue Presse. “He was” very surprised “by Merkel’s statements on the program.

Criticisms also from the Left Party

The chair of the left-wing party, Janine Wissler, said the federal government was “seeing with full conscience that even more people will become ill and die from the crown.” The time to appeal to the federal states has expired.

Specifically, Wissler required that the home office be mandatory and daily tests mandatory for all employees who cannot work at home. “It is completely incomprehensible that the federal government has so far done nothing to close this weak point in the fight against the pandemic.”

Crisis team instead of MPK?

Thuringian Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD) suggested replacing the current Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK) Corona crisis management with a permanent crisis team with representatives from the federal and state levels. The “disastrous” MPK a week and a half ago caused a great loss of confidence among the population, he wrote in a guest article for “Business Insider” magazine.

Seehofer also criticized the behavior of prime ministers before and after the crown’s consultations with the chancellor. “Before the Prime Minister’s Conference, there is always an engaging interview that puts the respective head of country in the right light; then the conference begins with all its drilling and ends with ex-post considerations.” This is one of the reasons why it came to the conclusion that a law should be passed creating “transparency, legally binding and therefore clarity” through a public procedure.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed his understanding for the dissatisfaction of many citizens with the unclear crown policy of the federal and state governments. “Just as the pandemic demands a lot from you, you can also demand a lot from politics,” he said in a televised speech. “Your expectations of those in power are clear: gather together!”
