Dispute over corona costs: the buzzword sharing the load


Corona’s failure aid cost the federal government billions. Countries must participate, demands, among other things, the leader of the Union’s parliamentary group, Brinkaus. Many prime ministers are fighting back, they have already made a significant contribution.

In the debate on the failed state aid of the crown for the economy, the leader of the parliamentary group of the Union, Ralph Brinkhaus, reiterated his demand for a greater participation of the states. at Berlin report The CDU politician said that there had to be a “burden sharing”, there was also consensus in the Bundestag. Brinkhaus appealed to the “solidarity of the states”, since a great part of the aid at the moment only provides the federal government.

If the federal government and the federal states negotiate with each other, in no case should it happen that the necessary help fails because people argue about money. “At the end of the day, what counts: the money has to be used to get out of the pandemic very quickly, to help those who have to bridge the gap.” Brinkhaus expressed confidence that an agreement will be reached.

Help whenever there are major restrictions

Brinkhaus is supported by Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD), among others. She believes that government compensation payments for the economy are legally required until the end of the corona pandemic. As long as the “serious restrictions” exist, “from my point of view there must also be help,” said the minister of “Welt am Sonntag”. “This reduces the severity of the interventions and therefore also contributes to the proportionality of the measures.”

However, the financial possibilities of the federal government are not unlimited: “Fighting the pandemic is a national task that the federal and state governments must fulfill,” said the SPD politician.

On Thursday, Brinkhaus had already criticized the division of crown costs between the federal government and the federal states in the Bundestag: the federal states should “finally get financially involved in this matter and not always just make decisions and then present the draft of law to the federal government. “

Söder: Countries can’t take much more

Bavarian Prime Minister Söder, for his part, assessed federal policy demands for greater financial participation from federal states with skepticism: at this point he could not “imagine that federal states can take on much more,” he said in the Germany Day of the youth organization Junge Union.

Söder reiterated his demand to stimulate the economy after the pandemic through tax cuts, for example through lower corporate and energy taxes. He rejected considerations in the SPD’s coalition partner for higher taxes. “You cannot make higher taxes with the Union,” Söder said. “Anyone who believes they can torture the country with higher taxes must expect resistance.” “No country in the world pays as much compensation as Germany,” Söder said, referring to state bridging aid. “We can’t do it like this forever.”

Laschet: Corona aid funding clarified in January

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet calls for the funding of Corona aid to be restarted in early 2021. “I can hardly imagine that we would shut down everything for months and contribute billions from the federal treasury month after month. “said the CDU politician on Deutschlandfunk. “That will also overwhelm our state.”

In the debate over a greater share of the costs of the federal states in the Crown state aid for failures to the economy, Laschet pointed to the previous financial commitment of the federal states in the Corona crisis. The federal states “spent billions and it is not entirely fair to say that the federal states do nothing,” he said, referring to Brinkhaus’ remarks.

Also Thuringia against Brinkhaus lawsuit

Thuringia also rejected Brinkhaus’s criticism. Finance Minister Heike Taubert said that the federal government largely determines the amount of spending borne by the federal states within the framework of its legislative powers. “Actually, the following should apply here: ordering pays.” The SPD politician emphasized that countries were already making a significant financial contribution to combat the crown crisis and its consequences.

The Berlin report reported on this issue on November 29, 2020 at 6:05 pm
