Dispute between the “lateral thinkers”: “I can’t take it anymore”


Germany Protest movement

“I can’t take it anymore”: The dispute with the “lateral thinkers” reaches a critical point

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Belief in secret powers is quite common

According to a recent poll, conspiracy theories are well received by the population. Almost a third of those surveyed believe that the secret powers that control the world are probably correct.

The protest against the measures of the German Crown is a reservoir for activists of various ideologies. Not surprisingly, conflicts arise in the context of the “lateral thinking” movement. A prominent comrade now even knocks down.

northAt the end of July, everything seemed so harmonious. On a stage in front of Mannheim Castle, two men who had become familiar with his criticism of the system rehearsed lines. Michael Ballweg, founder of the “lateral thinking” protest movement, which is demonstrating against the federal government’s crown measures, and author Thorsten Schulte, known as a prophet of doom and cash activist, indicated a hug.

“Berlin, Berlin, let’s go to Berlin,” chanted the crowd. The decision was made: “Thinking outside the box” would shake the capital after southern Germany – and with the protest movement the who’s who of the self-proclaimed “alternative media”; Attracting conspiracy theorists, anti-vaccination opponents, social media celebrities in the gray area between esotericism and political activism.

About six weeks and two big rallies later in Berlin, little remains of harmony in the field of “lateral thinking.” The disputes between the main faces of Corona’s protest show how fragile the ideologically open alliance of opponents of the government is and how the eccentricity of its leaders could increasingly become a problem.

Ballweg and Schulte are just the latest example. The latter had recently improved rhetorically. In news on social media, Schulte claimed that the alleged “storm in the Reichstag” was caused by informants from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. In front of the Federal Chancellery, the author, whose YouTube channel has almost 120,000 subscribers, warned on August 1 of the “beginning of an apocalypse.” You can listen to recordings of the performance as Schulte speaks of “satanic beings” at the Chancellery. She claims to have held a rosary in the direction of the building.

Ballweg criticized Sunday’s performance as “too theatrical.” In a video on YouTube, the initiator of “lateral thinking” made it clear: There is no “permanent permission to speak” for certain people at their events. “In general, Thorsten Schulte, you can register your own demo at any time.”

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Conspiracy theorists quarrel

Ballweg, however, gets contractions from Attila Hildmann, a vegan chef, conspiracy theorist, and a regular guest at protest events against the crown’s measures. Hildmann described Ballweg’s videos in a voicemail message on his Telegram channel as the “stab in the back of the Masons.” Ballweg is a “talker and flute player”, so Hildmann. The initiator of “lateral thinking” is part of a “Freemasonic organization”, “very close to the English royal family, the Windsors”. “I don’t understand that a hamster can lull you so much.”

Also in the chat groups of the “lateral thinking” movement there had been riots recently. The cause was an incident during a “lateral thinking” demonstration in Vienna, in which two speakers on stage broke a rainbow flag. An activist who participated in the tearing of the rainbow flag is said to be Manuel Mittas. After Saturday’s rally, he posted a video in which he spoke about the rainbow flag action. The flag is “a clear symbol of pedophiles or child molesters,” it states there.

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The Honk For Hope initiative, which organizes trips to the rallies in cooperation with “lateral thinking,” clearly distanced itself from the campaign. “LesBiSchwule and transgender people are just as welcome passengers aboard Honk-for-Hope buses as all other decent behaving people,” it says in a statement.

“Lateral thinking” has registered a demonstration with 5000 participants in Munich for next Saturday. The meeting under the banner “Peace, freedom and health” will be held at Odeonsplatz in the city center, a spokesman for the district administration department announced Monday. In addition, a demonstration train with 500 participants had been registered.

For the foreseeable future, activists will have to renounce the support of one of their most prominent colleagues. Author and YouTuber Heiko Schrang (nearly 180,000 subscribers), who became known among other things as a boycott of streaming rates, wants to withdraw indefinitely. After the recent big rally in Berlin, Schrang announced in a voicemail. Feel “a serious disappointment with so-called free thinkers.” Currently, activists attack each other “with a gallows.” “I can not take it anymore”. Now you want to recharge your batteries.
