Dining room exception: restaurants closed for one month


The new measures to contain the corona pandemic are particularly harsh for the catering industry. With a few exceptions, all businesses must close. The federal government is already planning a multi-billion dollar emergency relief program for affected businesses.

The federal and state governments want to close the rest of the month for the rest of the month to contain the corona pandemic. The German Press Agency learned of this from consultations between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime minister. This does not apply to the delivery and collection of food for consumption at home; dining rooms should be allowed to remain open. Tourist accommodation offers in Germany will also be banned in November. These should only be done for necessary purposes, such as mandatory business trips.

Food and trade representatives had previously asked Chancellor Merkel to refrain from extensive restaurant closures. The strictest regulations in the industry, including closures, only resulted in the relocation of social contacts to private rooms, said an open letter to Merkel.

The federal government could offset financial losses. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz suggested that at a meeting at the Foreign Ministry. However, it will still be discussed. Scholz calculated the costs between seven and ten billion euros over four weeks.

Specifically, small businesses could be reimbursed up to 75 percent of their lost sales, large businesses up to 70 percent. The benchmark is sales for the same month last year, initially from November 2019. According to information from the “Handelsblatt”, payments already made, such as bridging allowances or short-time assignments, will be deducted from the aid of emergency. These are mainly companies in the catering or tourism sector. The money could come from the existing fund for bridge aid. Of the 25,000 million euros allocated to this, so far only about 2,000 million euros have been requested.
