Did Donald Trump offend the soldiers? Melania Trump denies: “It is not true”


US President Trump vehemently denies that fallen US soldiers are “losers.” But even his home station “Fox News” confirms the report. Now his challenger Joe Biden reacts.

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US presidential candidate Joe Biden has harshly criticized President Donald Trump for his alleged derogatory comments about American soldiers who died in World War I. “This is sick, pathetic, this is so un-American, so unpatriotic,” the former vice president said in his hometown of Wilmington. If Trump really described fallen American soldiers as “losers” and “idiots,” it would be “disgusting.” You can see Biden’s emotional statement in the video or above. here.

“The soldiers were not losers”

“It confirms what most of us consider to be true: Donald Trump is not fit to be president and commander-in-chief of the military,” Biden said. He stressed that his son Beau, who died of a brain tumor in 2015, was not a “fool” when he volunteered in the Iraq war. “The soldiers who served with him, especially the ones who did not return, were not losers.”

Das Magazin “The Atlantic” had previously reportedTrump described the American soldiers who fell in World War I two years ago on a trip to France as “losers” because they had fallen and “idiots” because they had served in the military. He canceled his visit to the US military cemetery at the time because he was afraid of his hairstyle. Even then, the rejection drew considerable criticism, as reported by t-online.de. Officially it was said that the rain was the reason, that’s why you couldn’t fly by helicopter. Even this justification was deemed inadequate in conservative military and veteran circles.

Trump bull market confirms report

Trump, as is customary in such cases, vehemently denies the allegations. For him, fallen soldiers are “absolute heroes”. The history of the “Atlantic” is a false report. Meanwhile, Trump’s home station “Fox News” has confirmed the report with its own sources. Both outlets cite members of the then US delegation and former members of the Trump administration.

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Melania Trump defends her husband

First wife Melania Trump defended her husband with a rare public statement. The accusations “were not true,” the first lady said. “These are very dangerous times in which anonymous sources are believed more than anything and nobody knows their motivation. This is not journalism, it is activism.” This is also “a disservice to the people of our great nation,” the 50-year-old continued.

The alleged statements provoke violent reactions in public. On Twitter, thousands of users shared photos of their uniformed friends and family, some of whom had fallen, under the hashtag #WeRespectVets (“We respect veterans”). The excitement is also fueled by internal opponents of Trump’s party who have organized as Republicans in the “Lincoln Project” and are campaigning against Trump.

Trump’s relationship with the country’s military is complicated. The president emphasizes time and again that he has strengthened the military and provided them with more money. However, there were always differences of opinion with the military leadership and open disputes with respected former generals.

According to a poll released earlier this week, Trump has less support from the military than Biden. According to this, only about 37 percent of the soldiers surveyed were in favor of a second term for the president; 43 percent were in favor of Biden’s electoral victory. Trump has a difficult position in the military anyway because he did not serve in the military and a certificate prevented him from being drafted during the Vietnam War.
