Despite more than 4,700 new infections: medical representatives warn of “false scaremongering” in Corona case – knowledge


The number of infections in Germany continues to rise, but representatives of doctors see no reason to panic and accuse the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of misleading citizens with warnings. Of the Director of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas GassenSaid the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”: “We have to stop looking at the amount of new infections such as rabbits in the snake, which leads to false alarmism,” said Gassen. “Even 10,000 infections a day would not be a drama if only one in 1,000 became seriously ill, as we are currently seeing.”

In the spring there were as many as 150 deaths per crown per day with 4,000 new patients, Gassen explained. “It’s over. Now there are single-digit mortality rates. As long as the proportion remains that way, new infections in the five-digit range are barely relevant.” There is no glimpse of an overload of the health system in autumn and winter, he said. the doctor.

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I had thursday Lothar Wieler, Head of RKI He warned at a joint press conference with Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) that the situation in Germany threatened to spiral out of control.

“Due to the confusion of incomprehensible regulations, we can lose the acceptance of measures that really add something,” said Gassen. “Travel restrictions are superfluous to combat the pandemic and cannot be implemented.”

Gassen considers the curfew and the prohibition of alcohol questionable

Instead, the meager testing capabilities would be wasted, Gassen criticized. “That is almost gross nonsense.” The accommodation ban should also be lifted “definitively” as quickly as possible.

Closing times and alcohol bans like in Berlin are “more than questionable,” Gassen said. “Can you drink until 11pm, but there’s nothing left?” This is not effective because it does not change individual behavior.

Gassen called for the infection process to be divided much more into age groups in order to react more specifically. “I am convinced that with reasonable communication we can allow for greater normalcy again, with the possibility of quickly braking again.”

The head of the health insurance company calls for a significant increase in the limit of 50

Specifically, the head of the Health Insurance Fund requested a significant increase in the threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, of which districts and cities are declared risk areas: the number 50 comes from a time with 400,000 weekly tests and a high rate of positives. Meanwhile, they are tested three times more with far fewer positive results. “The number must adjust to developments, taking into account the lower positive rate that would currently reach a threshold of 84 per 100,000.”

Andreas Gassen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.Photo: imago images / Christian Thiel

On Friday, virologist Hendrik Streeck had already demanded that you stop staring at the number of infections. “4,000 new infections per day no longer mean the same as in March and April,” wrote the virology professor and director of the Institute for Virology and HIV Research at the University of Bonn in a guest article for the “Handelsblatt”. .

A traffic light system based on the interaction of the number of infections, the number of tests, and the occupancy of inpatients and intensive care could help. It should be a matter of using existing data to “develop a smarter, forward-thinking system.”

Virologist Streeck: getting used to a life with Corona

In general, it’s important to get used to life with Corona, Streeck continues. That means “also accepting that Sars-CoV-2 will be at home with us.” Deaths can also be minimized, but not avoided.

On Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) met with the mayors of the eleven largest cities and agreed on a series of measures to contain the pandemic. These include an extended mask requirement, contact restrictions in public spaces, curfew, and alcohol restrictions, as well as restrictions on participants for celebrations. Next week, Merkel will again have a conversation with the prime ministers of the federal states, as announced by the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU).

Several federal states have decided to impose restrictions on travelers from the hotspots. In most countries, vacationers from areas with new infections above the critical limit of 50 per 100,000 per week can only be admitted if they can present a negative test that is no more than 48 hours old.

Companies criticize “uncoordinated regulations”

Of the President of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), Eric Schweitzer, criticized travel restrictions and accommodation bans within Germany as “uncoordinated regulations”. “The designation of risk areas in Germany with different monitoring regulations creates a new legal uncertainty in all industries for many companies active at the national level,” he told the Funke media group newspapers.

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With an eye to internationally active companies, Schweitzer called for new regulations. As before, due to current travel restrictions, companies were unable to send their installers and technicians to foreign markets, he said. “Here we need rapid tests and quarantine rules with a sense of proportion to ensure safe travel even in times of crown.”

The guidelines for travelers are not uniform throughout Germany.Photo: Swen Pförtner / dpa / dpa-tmn

The general director of the Dehoga Hotel and Restaurant Association, Ingrid Hartges, described it as “completely unsatisfactory that we do not have national regulations.” Both guests and hoteliers would have countless questions and would not know what would apply in detail. “That is why we urgently need more uniformity,” Hartges demanded at the “Passauer Neue Presse.” For example, in general it should be clear that business travelers are exempt from the accommodation ban.

Drosten, too, for more uniform national rules

Of the Virologist Christian Drosten believes that more uniform national regulation is needed in the coming months. “It is good when there are clear rules. That’s very clear, ”he told the Germany publishing network.

In view of the regionally different frequency of the disease, it is understandable that it is still difficult to apply, said the director of the Institute of Virology at the Berlin Charité. But he emphasized: “The virus will spread more and more uniformly. We will find ourselves increasingly in a situation in which it is better to regulate in all areas ”.

RKI reports 4,721 new infections on Saturday

The RKI declared the number of newly infected people on Saturday morning at 4721. From Wednesday to Thursday the value increased significantly from 2828 to 4058, from Thursday to Friday the increase was 4516. According to the RKI, it has been shown that a total of at least 319,381 people in Germany are infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus (data status 10.10., Midnight).

Therefore, the number of deaths related to a Covid 19 disease was 9,604. That was 15 more than the day before. The RKI estimates that around 273,500 people survived the infection.

Most new infections in NRW

The newest infections are in the most populous federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia with 1,422, followed by Bavaria (643) and Baden-Württemberg (530). According to the RKI, there were 443 positive tests in Berlin and 89 in Brandenburg. The total number of new infections is likely to be even higher because, according to the RKI, the state of Bremen did not transmit any data on Friday.

The number of views, or R-value for short, was 1.34 (previous day: 1.17) according to RKI estimates in Germany, according to Friday’s management report. This means that one infected person infects more than one other person on average. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

Additionally, the RKI gives a seven-day R call in its current status report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, according to information on Friday, this value was 1.37 (previous day: 1.22). It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago.

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The positive test rate also illustrates the infection rate in Germany. In its assessment published in Wednesday’s management report, the RKI stated that the positive rate rose to 1.6 in the week of September 28 to October 4 in about 1.1 million tests. In the previous week the value was 1.2.

Cologne exceeds the limit

Cologne, another major city in Germany, exceeded the important alert level of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. This was the case previously in Berlin, Bremen and Frankfurt am Main. The North Rhine-Westphalia health center gave the value of the metropolis on Saturday at 54.8.

The Cologne city administration expected the threshold to be crossed and therefore has already ordered numerous restrictions on public life as of this Saturday. You can no longer consume alcohol in the streets and squares at night after 10 pm There is a ban on selling alcohol in party places on weekends. Also, only up to five people from different households can meet in public; before there were ten. Also, the number of people at the celebrations was limited. People have to wear masks in pedestrian areas.

NRW wants to offer free trials

During the autumn holidays, which have just started, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia wants to offer free trial options for travelers to Germany from risk areas in North Rhine-Westphalia. The Health Ministry sent the corresponding decree to the municipalities on Friday, a ministry spokesperson announced on Saturday, according to the dpa news agency.

Anyone coming from a region where the value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is reached or exceeded in a week and needs a negative test for a trip within Germany should be able to take the test for free. Laboratory costs are covered by the federal health fund, the state bears the costs of smears from doctors, he said. A spokesman for the city of Cologne assumed on Saturday that the existing test centers could absorb an additional boost. In particular, at the airport and the train station, the capacities have not been exhausted recently.
