Despite minister’s complaints: land registry names purchase price of Spahn’s million-dollar villa in Berlin-Dahlem – politics


Despite the injunction of the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), against the press reports about the purchase of a multi-million dollar house in Berlin, the Schöneberg District Court has officially confirmed the purchase and the exact amount of the price of purchase paid.

Accordingly, it is “correct that Mr. Jens Spahn and Mr. Daniel Funke have acquired land in the Dahlem land registration district,” says a letter from the court to Tagesspiegel. Spahn and her husband were registered as the new owners in mid-October. The purchase price of several million euros is also indicated on the letter.

Spahn has yet to ban reporting on exact pricing and financing. In the opinion of his lawyer, this is a private matter and also information that “clearly has been obtained illegally”.

The Hamburg Regional Court initially agreed with this view and accepted Spahn’s request in the first instance, including in the proceedings against the Tagesspiegel. The press is not prevented from reporting on the purchase. However, naming the specific figures violates the general personal rights of the minister, according to the decision (Ref .: 324 O 349/20). A well-founded judgment is not yet available.

Credit to relationship

After the incident became known in the summer, the minister was criticized for spending an unusually large amount of money on the purchase of a private home, while other citizens had to fight for their economic existence in the crisis of the crown.

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It was also noted that Spahn is said to have financed a significant part of the sum through Sparkasse Westmünsterland, a credit institute near his North Rhine-Westphalian hometown of Ahaus, where he had been a member of the Bundestag for several years.

Additionally, questions were raised about how the trained banker could afford that purchase price, given his ministerial salary.

Instead of allowing an unrestricted public debate, the minister decided to involve the courts. Upon request, you let your attorney inform you that the land registry information is “not publicly available.” “Mere curiosity” or “alleged newsworthiness” were not sufficient for inspection.

Information pertaining to the debate

In fact, the Schöneberg District Court, responsible for the Dahlem cadastral district, has provided all the information without further explanation. Therefore, it seems possible that Spahn is subject to misconceptions about what information the authorities are obliged to provide to the press and that therefore also belongs to the public debate.

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A clue to this could be that the Tagesspiegel only received information from the Federal Ministry of Health in relation to the issue of euthanasia after an action was brought before the administrative courts. The way the judiciary will judge the case in light of the information now available from the Schöneberg District Court is open.

The couple has probably not moved in yet. In October, the media reported that the villa was not yet ready for occupation due to construction work. It is an architect house from the 1920s, apparently still in need of renovation. At that time, however, the client managed to create an “elegant” villa, as it is called in a free access database of the State of Berlin.

A brokerage company had previously promoted the property as a “dream monument in a prime location” and offered it for sale, including a spacious “park-like property,” for several million euros.
