Despite Corona: CDU politician Klaus-Peter Willsch holds a party with numerous guests


In the autumn, the CDU member of the Bundestag Klaus-Peter Willsch, who is also an honorary chairman of the district council in the Rheingau-Taunus district, complained bitterly about his district administrator: he did not inform the district council in time about corona infection. of a member. That was “unacceptable”, Willsch himself had quoted in November in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” at the time.

Now the CDU politician from the Rheingau-Taunus-Limburg constituency is forced to explain his own negligence after a cellphone video surfaced in political circles. The short sequence shows people singing, dancing, and hugging in a private apartment. In the background you can hear »Lemon Tree«, a pop song by the German band Fools Garden from the 1990s. One of the celebrators is Member of Parliament Willsch, who, like his guests, does not wear mouth and nose protection.

Visit “not announced”

Confronted with the video, Willsch admitted to SPIEGEL that he had held a party amid the corona pandemic. “On the occasion of my 60th birthday on February 28, I spent the evening in private with my family or with my house,” said the politician. Over the course of the night, “without warning, a family of friends joined the group,” Willsch said. “This is not prohibited according to the regulations in force in Hessen.”

That may be formally correct. But in the “Crown Contact and Operational Restriction Ordinance” of the Hessian state government, which was valid at the time of the celebration, it says: “For private gatherings, restriction to your own home and to another person not living in the strongly recommended “.

Willsch and his guests obviously violated this recommendation. According to the recordings, at least twelve people attended the birthday party. The urgent recommendation to maintain a minimum distance of “1.5 meters between people from different households” was clearly not heeded by Willsch and his guests.

On the question of how he evaluates his behavior in hindsight, the CDU politician said: “I regret not having lived up to my role as a role model.”

Icon: The mirror
