Status: October 27, 2020 8:19 am

In several Italian cities, protests against stricter crown rules have turned into violence. During the demonstrations in Milan and Turin, stones and bottles were blown up. The police used tear gas.

Protests against the new crown restrictions have sparked riots and clashes between protesters and police in several Italian cities. Hundreds of people took to the streets of Turin and Milan on Monday night against the rules to contain the corona pandemic, according to the Ansa news agency. The police used tear gas against protesters who had thrown stones and bottles.

There had already been violence during the demonstrations in Naples on Friday night and in Rome on Saturday night. There, too, the protest was directed against the government’s new crown measures.

More than 37,000 deaths from corona in Italy

All restaurants and bars in Italy have had to close at 6pm for guests since Monday. The opening of cinemas, theaters, gyms, swimming pools, ski resorts and concert halls is also not allowed. The majority of Italian high school students are initially taught online.

Italy has recorded more than 540,000 infections detected with the coronavirus since the pandemic began. More than 37,000 people have died so far in relation to Covid 19 disease.

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