Demonstration “Querdenker” Stuttgart: “Thousands of administrative offenses” – WELT


Panorama Demonstration of “Querdenker” in Stuttgart

“We observe thousands of administrative infractions, taking action against them is difficult”

Thousands of “lateral thinkers” demonstrate in Stuttgart

Significantly more than 2,500 expected protesters gathered for a “lateral thinking” rally in Stuttgart. The rules of the crown were largely not followed.

Several thousand participants gathered in Stuttgart for a demonstration against the crown measures. According to the police, they did not meet the requirements. The Health Ministry harshly criticizes the city.

TAccording to police, people flocked to the central rally of the “lateral thinkers” movement at Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart on Saturday to demonstrate against the crown’s requirements. The police had been installed in the city with hundreds of agents in different places since the morning because ten concentrations had been registered, some of them different.

“We see thousands of administrative violations, taking action against them now and specifically is relatively difficult. The violations are documented and followed up, ”wrote Stuttgart city spokesman Sven Matis. Twitter.

In advance, the authorities took over 2,500 participants in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. This number was already clearly exceeded in the early afternoon. However, the Stuttgart police could not give exact figures. Applicants assumed 6000 people.

The “lateral thinking” movement and its comrades in arms speak out against the current measures of the Crown. The move is being watched by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Baden-Württemberg.

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When asked if people heading to the Wasen wore masks, Stuttgart police spokesman Stefan Keilbach said: “I see 20 people here wearing masks, and they are police officers.”

The scene of

The “lateral thinker” scene is also against a possible vaccination requirement

Source: Getty Images / Thomas Niedermueller

Four demonstrations have been recorded for Saturday in Stuttgart, the largest with around 2,500 participants on the scene of the

Four demonstrations have been recorded for Saturday in Stuttgart, the largest with around 2500 participants in the “side thinker” scene.


Previously, counter-protesters had tried to prevent the elevator of participants in a rally against Corona’s measures from moving to the Cannstatter Wasen. “They were partially masked with bicycles or sitting on Federal Highway 14 and they are still there,” a police spokesman said in the afternoon.

The police will have to take them away in an emergency because the street has to be cleared. Officials tried it first with speeches and evictions.

A video on Twitter shows how a “lateral thinker” protester on the edge of his train tries to hit a journalist. “Fuck you, son of a bitch,” the man says after turning in the direction of the other person’s face. Like the Stuttgart police later Twitter wrote, the suspect was identified. TO another photographer reported that one participant tried to tear the mask off his face.

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According to the police, the requirements of the demonstration train, which ran from Marienplatz in central Stuttgart to the central rally in Cannstatter Wasen, were largely not met.

Officers kept telling people to put on masks and keep prescribed distances. Police helicopters were used to document what was happening in the city.

In a police tweet it was said: “We will document violations of masks and spacing that are conclusively reliable.” A photographer for the German Press Agency reported that there was a good mood among the participants at the meeting at Marienplatz.

The police announced that they had searched 20 people “who are supposedly part of the rock scene” around 12:30 pm. They confiscated quartz gloves, fireworks and ski masks. During the control, there were acts of resistance in which a policeman suffered minor injuries.

Pissed off ministry

The Baden-Württemberg Health Ministry reacted with incomprehension to the scenes in the Stuttgart city area. “I do not understand that the city has maneuvered in this situation with the full view,” Ministerial Director Uwe Lahl said Saturday. Both in writing and in a personal phone call, he had shown the mayor of Stuttgart, Clemens Maier, the possibilities that state regulation Corona also offers to ban large-scale demonstrations.

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Demonstration of “Querdenker” in Stuttgart

“My forecast is that hygiene rules will not be followed at the event,” Lahl said Friday. At this time, however, the city of Stuttgart saw no way to impose a ban.

How to explain to the population that only five people from two households can meet during the Easter holidays, while thousands of protesters marched through the city without a mask and without a minimum distance? “The right to demonstrate is a valuable asset, but in a pandemic there are also limits,” Lahl said.

Last summer, up to 10,000 people demonstrated in Wasen. More recently, on March 20, a demonstration in Kassel with more than 20,000 people made headlines: only 6,000 were allowed. Sometimes there were violent clashes.
