Demonstration against Corona policy in Berlin: aggressive mood: Attila Hildmann led


John F. Kennedy’s nephew launches against 5G

American lawyer, environmental activist and vaccine opponent Robert Francis Kennedy junior, nephew of US President John F. Kennedy, also appears at the Corona rally on Straße des 17. Juni. In his speech, he turned against the development of the 5G cellular network, warned of a state of surveillance, and attacked Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Referring to the famous visit of US President Kennedy to Berlin in June 1963, he said that his uncle came to Berlin because the front against totalitarianism had raced in the city. “Today Berlin is once again the front against totalitarianism,” he added.

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. previously shared a photo of himself and other protesters outside the Brandenburg Gate on Instagram and recalled his uncle’s speech he had given there. However, Robert Francis Kennedy junior was wrong: JFK spoke in front of the Schöneberg town hall, not in front of the Brandenburg Gate.
