Democrats start proceedings: resolution to impeach Trump introduced


The American Democrats have taken further steps toward a possible impeachment of President Trump. A corresponding resolution could be voted on in the House of Representatives this week.

After Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution to initiate a second impeachment against the president-elect. Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu said on Twitter. Lieu played a leading role in the resolution to remove Trump from office for “inciting a riot.”

Vote in the House of Representatives this week

Democrats control the House of Representatives and can settle charges against the president with their majority. House Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said a vote could be held on Wednesday. Then the Senate would have to deal with it. A decision there before January 20 is practically impossible.

Additionally, Democrats brought to the House of Congress a draft appeal to Vice President Mike Pence, along with the Trump cabinet for incapacitation. A vote on this is expected on Tuesday.

Two-thirds majority in Senate not in sight

Trump would be the first US president in history to have two open impeachment proceedings. He leaves office with the swearing-in of his Democratic successor Joe Biden on January 20.

In addition to impeachment, the draft resolution also states that Trump must be removed from future government offices. This would deny him a possible candidacy in 2024. Therefore, the impeachment process would be more than a symbolic step for the history books.

The two-thirds majority in the Senate, which is necessary for a Trump conviction, is nowhere in sight, even if resentment toward Trump is growing among Republicans as well. Furthermore, according to internal sources, Vice President Pence does not want to declare Trump incapacitated. In the first impeachment, Republicans in the Senate acquitted Trump in February 2020.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on January 11, 2021 at 6:00 pm
