Democrat on Trump: “Corrupted to the End”


Democrats accuse Trump of abuse of power after pardoning his former security adviser Michael Flynn. But that could only be the prelude to new controversial decisions.

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The full Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pardoned It could only have been the prelude to the current President of the United States, Donald Trump. The Republican-elect is president with all rights until January 20, and there are still some convicts among his allies who await his intervention.

These include, for example, his 2016 election campaign advisers Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos, who, like Flynn, were also convicted in connection with the Russia investigation. Many now expected “a wave of pardons” before the end of his term, wrote the New York Times.

Trump had already released his confidant Roger Stone from prison in July. And above all, the question arises: Could the incumbent president forgive himself as a precautionary measure for crimes under federal law?

You have “the absolute right” to forgive yourself

Trump sees himself as the victim of a “witch hunt” against him, even with a view to the Russia investigation. In June 2018, he wrote on Twitter that he had “the absolute right” to forgive himself. “But why should I do that if I haven’t done anything wrong?” He wrote at the time. Whether Trump is actually allowed to do this is controversial; if he takes such a step in his last days in office, it would be his first in American history.

Former presidents like Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama used the right to grant pardons until their last days in office. There were also controversial cases at the time, but the crimes of those pardoned were not directly related to the president or his election campaign.

Democrats accuse Trump of abuse of power

A storm of outrage is unlikely to upset him much, as his forgiveness Flynn shows. “It is a great honor for me to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has received a full pardon,” Trump wrote on Twitter. Top Democrats in the US Congress reacted outraged and immediately accused Trump of abusing his power and undermining the rule of law.

The retired general became embroiled in the issue of possible Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. Flynn had been a security adviser at the White House for just over three weeks in 2017. He later admitted in the course of the investigation on the Russian affair that lied to the FBI of the Federal Police. He is also said to have lied to Vice President Mike Pence. Flynn pleaded guilty to the investigation by FBI Special Investigator Robert Mueller.

“Have a wonderful life, General Flynn!”

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows referred to Flynn as an “American patriot” on Twitter. “What the left has done to him and his family over the past four years must no longer be allowed in America.” Trump himself tweeted hours after Flynn’s clemency: “Have a wonderful life, General Flynn!”

Top Democrats responded with outrage. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, accused Trump of abuse of power in favor of a convicted criminal: “Flynn’s actions have represented a serious and dangerous violation of our national security.” The pardon is further proof that Trump does not respect the rule of law.

“Corrupted to the End”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff wrote on Twitter: “Donald Trump has repeatedly abused his forgiveness to reward his friends and protect those who covered him.” Then the Democrat added: “Corrupted to the end.” Justice Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said the clemency was “undeserved, unprincipled and another stain on President Trump’s legacy, which is rapidly shrinking.”

In January, Flynn asked for his confession to be withdrawn shortly before a verdict was expected. In May, the Justice Ministry called for an end to the proceedings in a very unusual step. He is not convinced that Flynn’s hearing in January 2017 was based on a legitimate investigation, he said. Trump later hailed Flynn as a “hero.”

The case was caught in a federal court after the controversial advance of the Ministry of Justice. The responsible judge did not agree to drop the charges against Flynn.

Trump spokesman: “General Flynn shouldn’t need a pardon”

The possibility of Trump forgiving his confidant has long been in the room. In March, the president announced that he was seriously considering a “full pardon.” According to Trump, Flynn was treated unfairly by the judiciary and the FBI. He repeatedly complained that Flynn had been persecuted by the judiciary.

Before the presidential election on November 3, the legal battle in the Flynn case was back on the agenda: Republicans sought to mobilize their supporters by describing an establishment conspiracy against Trump. Trump spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday: “General Flynn shouldn’t need a pardon. He is an innocent man.” He was said to have become a “victim of partisan government officials” who tried to undermine the 2016 elections.

Flynn himself tweeted an image of the American flag on Twitter shortly before Trump’s announcement and wrote: “Jeremiah 1:19.” The biblical verse says: “Let them fight you, they will not defeat you; because I am with you to save you, sayings of the Lord.”
