Demand of the table: Because it has not violated the duty of neutrality | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 11/24/2020 1:42 pm

The Lower Saxony State Court has dismissed a complaint by the NPD against Stephan Weil (SPD). The party had accused the prime minister of having disobeyed his duty of neutrality.

The Bückeburg court justified the decision by stating that one of the official duties of a prime minister was to protect himself from the free democratic basic order and its institutions. It must sensitize the population about events that endanger democracy and strengthen civic commitment against it. Weil had criticized an NPD rally against journalists in Hannover in several Twitter messages in November 2019. “It couldn’t be much more treacherous: the far-right NPD wants to demonstrate next weekend in #Hannover under the guise of freedom rally against # freedom of the press … # constitutionally guaranteed democracy # gegenrechts, “wrote Stephan Weil on 20 November.

Similar proceedings against Ramelow and Seehofer

The complaint by the regional association NPD recalls a similar procedure in Thuringia. There, the right-wing party questioned Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow’s (left) statements several years ago, and the Weimar State Court of Justice was right. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) recently had a Accept partial defeat before the Federal Constitutional Court. Consequently, he should not have published an interview describing the behavior of the AfD parliamentary group as “destroying the state” and “regrettable” on his ministry’s website. However, the choice of words in itself was not problematic.

NPD demonstrates against three journalists

At the time, the NPD rally in the state capital was mainly directed against three named journalists. According to estimates by the organizers, more than 8,000 counter-protesters opposed the march of about 100 NPD supporters.

More information

Stephan Weil (SPD) looks to the left with a serious face.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Sven Simon

Did Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) violate duty of neutrality with tweets about an NPD demonstration? (09.09.2020) more

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) raises his hand in a demonstration against the NPD rally in Hannover and salutes.  © NDR

The NPD has requested proceedings against Prime Minister Weil in the State Court of Justice. (13.12.2019) more

A counter demo under the title

More than 7,000 people demonstrated in Hanover for press freedom and against an NPD march. (24.11.2019) more

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