Defense Ministry warns of threat from China


DThe Federal Ministry of Defense, according to information from “Welt am Sonntag”, warns in an internal document about the claims of power and military capabilities of China and Russia. China’s goal is “to ensure economic development and shape the international order in accordance with its own interests,” the newspaper quotes from an internal planning document of the ministry. Russia, in turn, pursues the “destabilization and weakening of NATO as a maxim of action.”

China is “increasingly surpassing Russia in terms of global influence, including when it comes to arms sales and military cooperation,” quotes “Welt am Sonntag” from the document written by Bundeswehr military experts. China now has two million soldiers, about 6,850 battle tanks and 1,600 fighter jets, but also the “greatest potential for conventional missiles in the world.”

China continues to develop nuclear capabilities

This also included extremely dangerous hypersonic missiles with a long range of up to 2,500 kilometers. In addition, Beijing is systematically expanding its nuclear capabilities and is now also the “world’s largest exporter of armed drones.”

With a view to Russia, the document refers to “the introduction of hypersonic agents (hypersonic missiles) of high precision, long range and difficult to intercept”. In addition, Moscow is investing heavily in “maintaining sea-based second nuclear strike capability” and in “priority modernization of nuclear weapons potential.” Russia already has “approximately 6,375 nuclear warheads.”

The 840,000 soldiers are well trained and can be quickly relocated. “The conventional Russian armed forces can achieve superiority in terms of time and space,” says the newspaper according to “Welt am Sonntag”.

Currently, a weakness remains the “limited capacity for sustainable maritime use around the world” and the lack of armed drones. For Moscow, the army is an “instrument of power and political action.” “The greatest possible profit is generated” with a comparatively small expenditure of funds.
