From red / dpa / lsw
Nightlife restrictions, closed hair salons and tanning salons: The Baden-Württemberg state government published a decree on Friday listing the rules for crown hot spots.
In Stuttgart, the 7-day incidence on Friday is 136. Photograph: Lichtgut / Achim Zweygarth
Stuttgart: Due to the increasing number of infections, stricter contact restrictions and night-out restrictions will soon be enforced at Corona hotspots. The country sent a corresponding decree to the municipalities on Friday, ordering tough measures for all groups particularly affected by the pandemic. Based on the number of infections, Mannheim, Pforzheim, and Calw are currently affected. The country expects the new rules to be implemented within the next week. Previously, individual municipalities had already decided on their own stricter crown rules.
The hotspot rules
In public and in private, only one household can meet another person at hotspots, but a maximum of five people. Children up to 14 years old are not counted. Events are generally prohibited, with a few exceptions, such as religious events, judicial appointments, or city council meetings. Hospitals and nursing homes can only be visited after an antigen test or with an FFP2 mask.
Hair salons, barber shops and tanning salons will be closed. Sports facilities and swimming pools are also closed for school and recreational sports. Special retail actions, such as sales or liquidations, are prohibited. Flea markets and annual markets are also not allowed.
The validity
The rules affect circles in which the so-called seven-day incidence is above the critical 200 mark for three days. That means more than 200 new infections each.
100,000 inhabitants in a week. At the same time, a diffuse infection process is mentioned as a condition. The municipalities must then implement the new hotspot rules through a blanket decree. As soon as the value of the seven-day occurrence is below the 200 mark for five consecutive days, the blanket injunction can be reversed. Municipalities can only deviate from the decree in individual cases for important reasons if the Ministry of Social Affairs gives the green light.
Exit restrictions
General night-out restrictions are also part of the country’s hotspot strategy. Leaving the apartment in the affected districts between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. is only allowed for valid reasons. This includes professional activities and visits to the doctor and therapist. The exceptions also apply to people who have to accompany minors, care for the dying, and care for animals.
Several municipalities did not want to wait for the state to enact and have already decided on their own stricter crown rules. In the city of Mannheim, a departure restriction is already in place from Friday night, according to the order initially until December 14. The police announced strict controls. In the Tuttlingen district and in the Schwarzwald-Baar district, strict contact restrictions will take effect on Saturday, mostly in line with the state’s hotspot rules, but no exit restrictions are planned there. The Calw district also decided Friday to ban events and special retail sales.
District administrators for the Tuttlingen district and the Schwarzwald-Baar district were skeptical on Friday about the exit restrictions. District administrator Sven Hinterseh (CDU) announced that there would be no exit restrictions in the Schwarzwald-Baar district for the time being. The district wants to decide for itself, said Tuttling district administrator Stefan Bär (free voters). “We don’t see any automatism.”
If the country specifies such broad measures, it is also a question of control and monitoring. The exit restrictions would only work if additional police forces were deployed, Bär said. Both municipalities were generally upset by the state government’s crown policy. “Measures that change every three days, which could have been done differently,” criticized Bär. In both districts, the incidence value on Thursday was again slightly below the limit of 200 for the first time: in the Tuttlingen district at 192.5, in the Schwarzwald-Baar district at 195.3.
So is a rag rug looming? The State Ministry expressed its astonishment at the criticism from the municipalities. In administrative matters, districts are subject to instructions, he said. In addition, the procedure was coordinated with the municipal associations. Local associations defended the new restrictions. He knows that exit restrictions are a violent means, said the Speaker of the Municipal Assembly, Roger Kehle, of the German Press Agency. But there is no other option. The municipalities are now behind the compromise reached. It is fair that these measures be fought long and hard, since they are important cuts for the country’s population.
The district council also wants to support exit restrictions. “The instruments provided in the Hotspot Decree are adequate to contain the infection rate,” emphasized President Joachim Walter. In all this, it is important that the decree contains an opening clause to be able to react to the situation in situ in agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs ”.