Decision night: Vendée Globe now live | – Sport


Status: 27.01.2021 6:55 pm

The decision is approaching in the Vendée Globe. Who will win the toughest solo regatta in sailing? Will Hamburg Boris Herrmann achieve the great coup? reports on the live stream and live blog from the end of the circumnavigation.

Click here to watch the live stream

The end of the Vendée Globe live

7:20 pm

Boris Herrmann faster than ever

The burger produces steam and is faster than ever in the Vendée Globe. With up to 30 things flying towards the finish line, the average speed is 24 knots – “Phew,” he commented himself. If he reaches 17 minutes, he takes second place from Louis Burton with a six-hour time credit increase. . The question of the development of the wind is particularly exciting: does it favor the Germans or Thomas Ruyant and Yannick Bestaven further north?

6:35 pm

Tim Kröger: “A gigantic achievement for Boris”

Offshore professional Tim Kröger is full of praise for Boris Herrmann: “He is already a winner of hearts. That he participated, that he came home safe and sound, that he took us all with him to the sea, that’s a gigantic achievement.” .

“He communicated this race fantastically, let’s all participate and he took us out to sea in these crazy conditions.”
Tim kroeger

How does the race for the first German in the Vendée Globe end? “From first place to fifth, anything is possible. The time bonus will tip the scales,” said Kröger, an expert on live streaming here at starting at 7pm.

VIDEO: Tim Kröger: “Boris is already the winner of hearts” (4 min.)

6:00 pm

Follow-up update: Boris Herrmann sets the pace

  • Charlie Dalin (“Apivia”): 103.17 km ahead of the first pursuer
  • Louis Burton (“Bureau Vallee 2”) – 99.43 km
  • Boris Herrmann (“Seaexplorer – Yacht Club de Monaco”) – 62.76 km
  • Thomas Rouillard (“LinkedOut”) – 42.39 km
  • Yannick Bestaven (“Maitre CoQ IV”) – 181.98 km

5:55 pm

Night shift for Boris Herrmann and his fans

Boris Herrmann’s final sprint to a top position will in all likelihood extend into the evening. Organizers do not expect the 39-year-old to reach the finish line before midnight. Charlie Dalin is currently expected to be first around 8pm at the earliest. Frenchman Yannick Bestaven, fifth placed, is getting closer and closer to the top and can intervene in the decision on victory and the podium thanks to his time credit. That after about 50,000 kilometers Shortly before the finish, five sailors are so close together and still fighting for the podium, it has not happened since the first test in 1989. NDR live broadcast begins at 7pm


“Boris Herrmann is on his way to becoming a sailing legend”

Peter Carstens from NDR’s Sports Editorial Office on Boris Herrmann’s extraordinary performance in the world’s toughest sailing regatta.

VIDEO: Peter Carstens, sailing reporter: “It’s incredibly exciting” (2 min)

4:53 pm

Less than 100 km to Charlie Dalin

Vendée Globe tracking map © Vendée Globe

At the bottom right of the image the “Seaexplorer – Yacht Club de Monaco”.

With the “Apivia” the French practically has the goal in mind. His compatriot Louis Burton (“Bureau Vallee 2”) has to cover roughly double that distance. Boris Herrmann and the “Seaexplorer – Yacht Club de Monaco” separate 312 km from the destination port of Les Sables-d’Olonne.

4:30 pm.

A success for Boris Herrmann

VIDEO: “Boris Flieg!” (4 min)

Frank Schönfeldt, a full-time sailor and passionate sailor, dedicated a song to Boris Herrmann. The composer’s songs are cult on the nautical scene.

4:06 pm

Greta Thunberg crosses her fingers for Herrmann

“You always said that being in the top 5 would feel like a victory, and now this … What a great achievement, no matter how it ends now. It makes me very happy to see sailing fans all over the world and all over the world. Germany now knows what a great person she is, “wrote the Swedish climate activist to Boris Herrmann. The Hamburg man sailed the 18-year-old across the Atlantic to New York in late summer 2019. Thunberg had decided not to use a plane for climate protection reasons.

3:35 pm

Father Moritz Herrmann: “How should I spend the day?”

The result of the spectacular regatta is still completely open. As Boris Herrmann fights for every meter in the sea, his father Moritz fights with nerves: “How am I supposed to survive the day until night? It’s such a short story, it will be really dramatic,” he told the NDR. .

“Soon after he was born, we packed up the bundle and put him on a cruise ship. He slept well in it.”
Moritz herrmann

His son “was just no longer chased like such a sassy kid and said, ‘I’m going to get everything I can out of the box now.” He did it very cleverly. “

The sailor Boris Herrmann © Witters

AUDIO: Papa Herrmann is excited (1 min.)

3:00 pm.

Follow-up update: just under 350km left for Herrmann

  • Charlie Dalin (“Apivia”): 112.82 km ahead of the first pursuer
  • Louis Burton (“Bureau Vallee 2”) – 89.95 km
  • Boris Herrmann (“Seaexplorer – Yacht Club de Monaco”) – 84.8 km
  • Thomas Rouillard (“LinkedOut”) – 52.69 km
  • Yannick Bestaven (“Maitre CoQ IV”) – 174.01 km

Boris Herrmann apparently caught worse wind conditions on his tour in the southern Bay of Biscay than the competition, but is now picking up speed. The Hamburger is still third, but the gap to the following ships has narrowed. For Charlie Dalin, at the head of the field, there are only about 150km to go. The French will most likely be the first to arrive, but they won’t win due to the time credits from Herrmann and Bestaven.

2:41 pm

Boris Herrmann hart am Wind: “It’s a bit Rock ‘n’ Roll”

1:55 pm

What about time credits

Boris Herrmann, Yannick Bestaven and Jean Le Cam have due to their participation in the The rescue mission for the castaways Kevin Escoffier received time credits the night of November 30 to December 1. These are only deducted from the total time after the finish line. Experts estimate that Charlie Dalin will be the first to cross the finish line, but Herrmann and Bestaven will fight for victory among themselves. Time credits at a glance:

  • Boris Herrmann: 6 hours
  • Yannick Bestaven: 10:15 am
  • Jean Le Cam: 4:15 p.m.

VIDEO: How was Kevin Escoffier’s rescue mission (1 min)

1:07 pm

Herrmann: “Hug my wife and kiss my daughter”

Boris Herrmann is on the final stretch of the Vendée Globe, with a chance to win. The circumnavigator from Hamburg is particularly eager to hug his wife Birte Lorenzen-Herrmann and their seven-month-old daughter Malou at the finish line.

VIDEO: Sailor Herrmann on the final stretch: waiting for the family (1 min)

12:00 o’clock

Follow-up update: Herrmann remains third

  1. Charlie Dalin (“Apivia”): 116.56 km ahead of the first pursuer
  2. Louis Burton (“Bureau Vallee 2”) – 47.82 km
  3. Boris Herrmann (“Seaexplorer – Yacht Club de Monaco”) – 131.73 km
  4. Thomas Rouillard (“LinkedOut”) – 54.94 km
  5. Yannick Bestaven (“Maitre CoQ IV”): 167.57 km

11:45 am

What are the chances of Boris Herrmann? Vote!

10:59 am

Herrmann is excited and has a great request.

VIDEO: Sailor Herrmann: “Excited as a child at Christmas” (English) (1 min)

09:28 am

Final race in the Vendée Globe: Herrmann is third

The final of the toughest solo regatta in the world has begun. Boris Herrmann from Hamburg has a chance to win and is currently third behind France’s Charlie Dalin and Louis Burton. Herrmann’s biggest competitor for the Vendée Globe win is probably his compatriot Yannick Bestaven, currently fifth, due to time bonuses. “It’s more exciting than I want or need,” the Oldenburg native said: “I’m like a kid at Christmas. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that excited.”

More information

Boris Herrmann aboard his ocean yacht.  © pcitrue alliance / DPPI media Photo: Pierre Bouras

A non-French has never won the traditional circumnavigation of the world. shows the finish line in a live video feed. plus

26.01.2021 15:59

Final race for Boris Herrmann in the Vendée Globe

VIDEO: Boris Herrmann fights for victory (2 min.)

26.01.2021 13:10

Arrival on Wednesday in the live broadcast will broadcast the exciting finale today on a live stream. The stream begins about half an hour before the arrival of the first boat, which is expected towards the afternoon. Commentator: Peter Carstens. Expert: circumnavigator and world sailing champion Tim Kröger.

More information


After more than 28,000 nautical miles, solo circumnavigators reach their destination at Les Sables-d’Olonne. Right in front of the toughest nonstop regatta: Boris Herrmann. Commentator: Peter Carstens; Expert: Tim Kröger. Live video streaming

26.01.2021 11:00

A close decision is expected

The decision is more exciting than ever. After more than 28,000 nautical miles, the first solo circumnavigators are expected to reach their destination at Les Sables-d’Olonne on Wednesday evening.

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