Debate on the regulation of vaccination: previous vaccinations for teachers and educators?


Status: 07.02.2021 5:17 am

A new version of the vaccination ordinance is expected next week. Education Minister Karliczek is in favor of teachers and educators getting vaccinated earlier, and German health insurance doctors are calling for them to get vaccinated faster.

After the first delivery of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Germany, the Federal Minister of Education, Anja Karliczek, spoke out in favor of vaccinating teachers and educators earlier. He noted in the newspapers of the Funke media group that the AstraZeneca vaccine is only recommended by the Permanent Commission on Immunization for people under 65 years of age. Therefore, “it will soon be offered to teachers.”

Both professional groups perform a very important task for society, Karliczek said in the interview. “Primary school teachers and nursery workers, in particular, tend to have very close contact with children.” Therefore, a rapid vaccination of teachers and educators “would also contribute to the normalization of the school and the nursery,” Karliczek said.

At the moment, the CDU politician believes that schools can only be opened in exceptional cases. A comprehensive return to face-to-face teaching “is probably still premature at this point due to the general infection situation,” Karliczek said ahead of the Prime Minister’s Conference on Wednesday. In regions where the level of infection is low over a longer period of time, “face-to-face teaching with small classes and an adjusted number of hours could be responsible.” The prerequisite is that “very strict prevention measures” are observed in schools.

Doctors want to get vaccinated faster

Doctors from Germany’s legal health insurance demand that they get vaccinated with the crown faster than planned. “Those who treat, care medically and protect others every day must also protect themselves,” said the president of the National Association of Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, of the German Press Agency in Berlin. “Of course, due to the vaccine shortage, priority must be given,” Gassen said. “But the teammates in the practices with their teams definitely belong to the group of those who have priority to be vaccinated.”

In the current vaccination ordinance, doctors are among the second of the three priority groups vaccinated in Germany. According to a draft, a new version of the regulation expected next week should not change anything. The vaccinations of the first group should last until the end of March.

Criticisms of the German Foundation for Patient Protection

There are also criticisms of the vaccination ordinance elsewhere. The board of directors of the German Foundation for the Protection of the Patient, Eugen Brysch, criticized the fact that people with serious previous illnesses often did not appear and later they failed in court. A transparent, understandable and more detailed approach is required against injustices, said the dpa’s Brysch. Furthermore, the question of which groups of patients are particularly threatened by Covid-19 is not sufficiently addressed.

Health insurance data on underlying diseases should be compared with corona diseases. So far, this data has not been released. “This means that seriously ill younger people are at the mercy of individual decisions made by a local health department.” Those affected would have to fight to get vaccinated. “Even an administrative court is often not helpful because such requests are generally rejected.”
