Debate after AstraZeneca shutdown: criticism of Spahn’s vaccination management rises


Status: 16.03.2021 7:19 pm

Health Minister Spahn is under increasing pressure: the lack of a vaccine, the slowness of the organization, the cessation of AstraZeneca vaccines and the postponement of the vaccination summit are causing displeasure.

From Vera Wolfskämpf,
ARD capital study

The Federal Ministry of Health asks the Paul Ehrlich Institute about risks and side effects. And that says about the AstraZeneca vaccine: There have been seven serious cases of thrombosis, three of them fatal, and that are more than normal in the population without vaccination.

Vera Wolf Fight

Health Minister Jens Spahn followed this technical decision. But politically, I should have weighed that, says Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt: “On the other hand, I wonder, was there really the weighing of how many people get sick, get seriously ill, die if they are not vaccinated? This is it. a ruling of the Federal Ministry of Health “.

EMA: the advantages outweigh

Dirk Brockmann, a physicist at the Robert Koch Institute, makes a calculation: According to him, the risk of dying from Covid-19 is a thousand times greater than a possible fatal thrombosis after a vaccine. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is examining the exact relationships and will announce the result on Thursday. Until then, and the EMA believes, the benefits of the vaccine would outweigh the risk.

Linken’s boss, Dietmar Bartsch, believes that the stop is wrong: “I demand that the AstraZeneca vaccine can continue to vaccinate those who want to be vaccinated. That would be urgently needed.”

Background: cases of thrombosis after vaccination with AstraZeneca

The reason for stopping the AstraZeneca vaccines was seven cases of a specific thrombosis. The Paul Ehrlich Institute announced that this occurred in people between the ages of 20 and 50. Six of the patients suffered a so-called sinus vein thrombosis, which affected women of younger to mature ages. In another comparable case, there was bleeding in the brain due to a lack of platelets in the blood.

“All the cases occurred between four and 16 days after being vaccinated with the Covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine,” he said. Three of the seven affected people died. These are more cases than normally occur in the population without vaccination.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute notes that people who have received the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine and feel increasingly unwell more than four days after vaccination, for example with severe and persistent headaches or punctate skin bleeding, seek immediate medical treatment.

The AfD again criticizes the vaccination chaos. And FDP leader Christian Lindner sees a wrong decision in postponing the vaccination summit: “We need to coordinate the vaccination processes in the federal states and municipalities with the federal government in this new situation. Instead of talking less, now we have to talk more. “And also with the manufacturer AstraZeneca, with science and with general practitioners, the FDP politician demands.

Vaccination peak this Friday

According to SPD Prime Minister Malu Dreyer, the vaccination summit originally scheduled for tomorrow will take place on Friday: “Because the European Medicines Agency wants to get a new image of the AstraZeneca vaccine on Thursday and the federal level wanted us to meet on Friday. “Then hopefully it will be clear if the AstraZeneca vaccine can be counted on, Dreyer said. Because the federal and state governments really wanted to make a plan on how vaccines can be done faster and how they can involve doctor practices, for example.

It is now uncertain whether this will start as planned in mid-April. The AstraZeneca vaccine would be useful for this because it does not need to be cooled as much. But even if it is released again, CSU chief Markus Söder fears it may stagnate, because acceptance of the vaccine then “doesn’t automatically go to heaven.” It’s also important to quickly involve family doctors, says Söder. “Because family doctors can give individual advice on whether the vaccine is suitable for the individual or not, and they can also take care of the vaccine.”

Even those responsible at the federal and state levels see a setback in the vaccination campaign; all the more a plan is needed to make up for the delay and advance the slow vaccination campaign to finally regain confidence.

Controversial vaccination freeze against AstraZeneca – vaccination summit postponed

Vera Wolfskämpf, ARD Berlin, 16.3.2021 · 17:53
