Dead protester in Portland: Trump turns protests into election issue


Trump plans to travel to Kenosha, where a black man was shot by a police officer and violent protests took place overnight. And violence escalated again in Portland.

By Claudia Sarre, ARD Studio Washington

Again there were shots during the protests and again a man was shot. This time in Portland in the US state of Oregon, where it has been simmering for weeks. It is not yet clear who shot whom. Video recordings show violent clashes between Trump supporters and anti-racist protesters overnight. President Trump responded with a tirade on Twitter, berating Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler as “crazy left-wing radicals” and repeatedly calling for strong action.

Law and order have become Trump’s problem. That is probably one of the reasons you plan to fly to Kenosha tomorrow. There were violent protests during the nights after a police officer shot a black man.

Trump is not welcome in Kenosha

“When the president goes to Kenosha, it’s like turning Air Force One into a tanker and using gas to start the fire,” William Brooks, former director of the black civil rights organization NAACP, told CNN Cornell. The president will only make a bad situation worse.

Donald Trump’s plans are not welcomed in Kenosha either. Both the Governor of Wisconsin and his deputy, Mandela Barnes, believe that a presidential visit to their state is not a good idea. “We don’t need that at all. We had a wonderful celebration yesterday. People from all the camps came to Kenosha and marched peacefully through the streets,” Barns said on CNN.

“Law and order” as an electoral issue

Among other things, Trump wants to take a look at the damage protesters have caused. Meanwhile, his promise of “law and order” is becoming the central message of the election campaign. Democrats are responsible for the riots, he said recently in one of his speeches. The incidents are a “preview of Biden’s America.”

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows staunchly supports Trump. On NBC, he said: Most of Trump’s America is peaceful. “The city we are talking about is Portland, democratically governed, which just yesterday rejected the help of the US government,” Meadows said.

Democrats responded promptly. Presidential candidate Joe Biden accused Trump of fueling the unrest for political gain. Val Demmings, a Florida congressman, also said CBS de-escalation is now the order of the day: “Wouldn’t it be nice if the president of the United States spoke publicly for peace and quiet?”
