Dawn: Germany as the sad leader of Corona


Good morning dear readers

Here’s the annotated overview of the day’s topics:


It’s hard enough to see positives or even profound benefits from the corona pandemic. But if there is such a benefit, it is like a lesson. Because this pandemic will not be the last. The invasion of humans into previously unpopulated natural areas, their expansion and urban use, has led to greater contact between our species and wild animals that harbor dangerous pathogens. from Corona to Ebola. One can regret and criticize that, but it will hardly stop. So Covid-19 is necessarily our training session for future disasters. It is even more urgent that we clean up the weaknesses that currently make life so difficult for us.

We quickly learned some basic lessons in Germany, and prevented the worst. Listen to science, for example. Fight for broad solidarity among the population, because no authority or official can ask for consideration. But we also have to declare disappointed: not just a small group of confused people gathered at the crown rallies. The protests are well attended.

Digital rumor mill has yet to to shake up most of the rationales with their Facebook groups and Telegram communities, but we can guess how this majority may tip over. Successfully promoting disinformation is easier than ever. Populists, seducers and simplifiers gratefully seize the opportunity. So we urgently need to talk about how to stop the spread of lies. To do this, we write the name “Mark Zuckerberg” and that of his industry colleagues in bold on our to-do list.

But Silicon Valley is not to blame for everything that goes wrong. The result of the Crown bazaar of the Federal Chancellor and the Prime Minister was discussed yesterday from top to bottom. Some praise it as a good compromise, others like FDP chief Christian Lindner pick it up in the air. But is there a deeper problem behind the tug of war every few weeks? What distinguishes politics and our elected representatives, what belongs to their core competencies (negotiating hard, asserting interests, finding compromises in the end) becomes a pandemic Obstacle. Because the real bargaining partner, the virus, is not sitting at the table and not listening. It can be addressed by systematically testing, improving, or rejecting strategies. But the results of your anger are non-negotiable. A professional group that routinely seeks deals has a hard time dealing with this relentless opponent.

However, the most irritating weakness revealed by our handling of the pandemic is the navel gaze. Sure, sometimes this kind of narrow-mindedness is good for morale. For example, most of us are still convinced that Germany has so far done excellently in the fight against Covid-19. That may be true in a European comparison, but if we look out of the box towards Asia, this graphic awaits us there:

    (Quelle: Screenshot from the Financial Times) (Quelle: Screenshot from the Financial Times)

We see: In terms of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, Germany is the lonely and sad leader here. The comparison group – Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China and Vietnam – huddles at the bottom of the desirable zero line. We could also include Singapore and Hong Kong, but they would hardly be recognized among the other candidates, so great is the rush among those who really do better in the pandemic. But Germany? Do your thing. It is in itself superior, but between the second division.

We would have done well to get advice from the best in our class. Instead of haunting us again through the thick textbook on the pandemic. Because Asian states have little in common: democracies close to dictatorships, islands close to the continent, city-states close to terrestrial states. But everyone has learned harsh lessons from the epidemics of years past. First, act immediately when an epidemic strikes rather than wasting time. Second, quickly introduce a mask requirement and distance rules in crowded places in public spaces. Third, create an infrastructure for rapidly available testing with rapid results, especially in places with a high risk of infection, such as large cities. Fourth, provide enough staff to follow up on contacts, comparing digital data instead of handwritten notes. And fifth, rely on clear communication rather than political cacophony.

We have ignored this great experience for too long. We have to do better in the future. It pays to be open-minded, curious, and capable of learning. The curves also show us this: history will not repeat itself for anyone who has drawn the correct conclusions after the pandemic.



Markus Söder wants to explain Corona's latest decisions today.  (Source: dpa / Sven Hoppe)Markus Söder wants to explain Corona’s latest decisions today. (Source: Sven Hoppe / dpa)

After the agreement in Berlin state governments have yet to pass the strictest crown rules, for this state parliaments are meeting today. Prime ministers make government statements, and Markus Söder will likely return to claim the bigger stage for himself.

EU negotiator Michel Barnier also needs a big stage today. It informs the EU states and the European Parliament on the status of its Brexit talks with London. The planned trade pact aims to avoid tax and rule mess when the British leave the domestic market and customs union by the end of the year. If this is not successful, chaos at the borders and the disruption of supply chains threaten. The main points of contention in the big negotiations remain a level playing field, fishing rights and penalties for violating the proposed agreement. Signs are mounting that both sides will exhaust their tide to the end, only to finally announce the deal in December. Then the year would end indulgently.

If you have children or grandchildren, From today you can send your wish lists to the “Christmas post office in Himmelpforten”. There, volunteers respond to tens of thousands of letters to the Infant Jesus or Santa Claus. I know what I want.



Daniel Günther advises spending Christmas at home.  (Source: Axel Heimken / dpa)Daniel Günther advises spending Christmas at home. (Source: Axel Heimken / dpa)

The Prime Ministers and the Federal Chancellor decided the Corona course until Christmas – but a country manager leaves: Daniel Günther from the far north think little of the new contact restrictions. “I think such regulation confuses people,” he says in an interview with my colleagues Sonja Eichert and Tim Kummert. Here he explains the “Schleswig-Holstein special route”.


China, Germany, United States: More than 200 projects to develop corona vaccines are ongoing around the world. Which are the most promising for us in Germany, He shows my colleague Melanie Weiner.


They must keep their feet still! Why can’t they recover? The party is really the ultimate now! In recent weeks, many older people have cursed the young, who for a time were considered the main drivers of the infection. But now my colleague Laura Stresing’s data paints a different picture. Together with Sandra Sperling and Adrian Röger, he will show you in which age groups corona cases are currently increasing the most.


Thanksgiving in a state of emergency: The United States left behind its first major vacation in the Corona winter yesterday. Many people have traveled with their families despite the warnings. Of course, one of them didn’t warn, you know who. However, this gentleman can now benefit from a great advantage, reports our reporter Johannes Bebermeier from Washington.


Do you already have your Christmas gifts together? Neither do I. But one thing is clear now: shopping on the commercial street could be quite chilly this year; Due to new Corona rules, queues are likely to form in front of many stores. What to expect explains my colleague Christine Holthoff.


Diego Maradona has made his way into the hearts of soccer fans. My colleague Benjamin Zurmühl has no memories of these masterpieces, he is 26 years old and only knows about Maradona’s matches from videos. However, in a special moment, he realized that this little man was a saint.


What amuses me?

OMG, this shopping mania!

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a happy day. The weekend podcast is on hiatus, see you Monday morning.



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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