Dannenröder Forst: Carola Rackete brought from the tree house by the police | Regional


Dannenforst – Carola Rackete sits in the treehouse in protest, wearing her penguin costume as a sign of climate change. Then the police take them out of the tree.

The environmental activist and the captain protest against the pending clearing for the construction of Autobahn 49 in the Dannenröder forest and withdrew to one of the forest tree houses on Thursday.

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Carola Rackete is in the tree house in a puenguin costume

Photo: dpa

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Captain Rackete has one eye on the situation, but is about to fall …

Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

Activists wait in the morning on two tripods, in hammocks and in trees. Meanwhile, the police continued their large-scale operation in the forest area in which trees will be felled in an area of ​​27 hectares for the transportation project. A forklift arrives in the morning to prepare for evictions.

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In the buggy he leaves the forest

Photo: dpa

At the beginning of the evacuation, the police made an announcement, the SEK broadcast with blackmail: “Do not resist. It will be verified to what extent it has to contribute to the costs of the measure “.

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A female police officer takes the rescuer to the assembly point.

Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

The well-known activist remains crouched in the tree.

Using a lifting platform, officials carry them back to the forest floor. There she is stopped by a colleague. He leaves the forest in a buggy. Then continue on foot to a collection point. All accompanied by the police and disguised as a penguin.

After registering personal data and being expelled for 24 hours, Captain Rackete will be able to walk again. Just not back to the forest. At least today …

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Personal data is recorded at the collection point.

Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

Police said several activists were arrested after setting off fireworks and smoke bombs. At least one missile was fired in the direction of the officials. Cleaning work is no longer supposed to be completed within the expected 40 days.

Rackete Statement

In a statement, Rackete asked people to join the resistance in the Dannenröder forest: “We cannot all stay at home and expect others to do unpleasant work for us.”

Released shortly after eviction Spiegel.de made a guest contribution from Fridays for Future, activist Luisa Neubauer and Carola Rackete with the title “Who has the power to break contracts?” Both criticize that decades-old (construction) contracts are not broken in favor of much more recent agreements on biodiversity and climate.

Among other things it says: “The Dannenröder forest is a symbolic forest, a symbolic image – for an urgently needed exit from the arrogant, one might say predatory, management of industrial societies with the living planet in favor of fossil fuel infrastructure, so for too long erroneously, one assumed that well-being and prosperity were only guaranteed by the latter. “
