Cutoff value for new corona infections: Germany breaks the 50 mark


New corona infections have passed a critical threshold across the country. Federal states are reacting to the ever-increasing numbers: Bavaria is announcing mandatory tests for foreign travelers, NRW is reintroducing the mask requirement in class.

The critical value of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days has now been exceeded throughout Germany. The value is considered an important threshold to take stricter measures against the spread of the new coronavirus. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) currently gives the number as 51.3, on Tuesday it was 48.6.

According to the RKI, German health authorities recently reported 7,595 new cases of corona in 24 hours. The value remains just below the high of 7,830 cases reached on Saturday, but is well above the 5,132 new infections reported last Wednesday.

The proportion of deceased is less than one percent

The number of deaths related to a corona infection increased by 39 to 9,875 now. As RKI’s current management report shows, the proportion of those who have died in proven corona cases has been well below one percent since mid-August. When looking at the entire pandemic in Germany, the RKI gave a case fatality rate of 2.6 percent.

The fact that this number is significantly higher than the mortality rate in recent weeks is mainly due to the higher values ​​in spring. At that time, more older people were infected and fewer people with no or mild symptoms were tested. According to the RKI, the majority (85 percent) of corona deaths since the start of the pandemic were 70 years or older.

One third of all districts and cities exceed the limit

In its management report, the RKI writes that an accelerated increase in transmissions can once again be observed in the population in Germany. “Therefore, an urgent call is made for the entire population to commit to protection against infections.” The RKI also includes compliance with the rules of distance and outdoor hygiene, ventilating indoor spaces and, if necessary, wearing a face-to-face mask.

More recently, almost a third of all German districts and cities registered by the RKI were above the threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week. In around 30 districts and cities, the value was even higher than 100. The Berchtesgadener Land district in Bavaria is currently the most affected with an incidence of 236. It is followed by Delmenhorst in Lower Saxony with 212 and Berlin-Neukölln with 156.6 new cases of corona per year. 100,000 inhabitants and week.

Söder wants mandatory tests for foreign travelers

In response to the increased number of cases, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder announced stricter crown measures. In regions with more than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, the events will be restricted to a maximum of 50 participants and a curfew starting at 9 pm, said the CSU politician in the Bavarian state parliament. . Until now, there has been a limit of 100 participants indoors and 200 outdoors in Bavaria, with assigned seats it is even double.

Söder also announced that he wanted to introduce mandatory tests for travelers from foreign corona access points. Anyone who has been in a risk area within 14 days before entering the country and moving to Germany for work must in the future submit a negative corona test once a week. “If you want to keep the borders open, you have to ensure more security,” Söder said. The measure is likely to affect travelers from Austria and the Czech Republic in particular.

The North Rhine-Westphalia state government announced that fifth graders would have to wear masks back in their seat in class after the fall break. According to the Ministry of Education, the regulation should apply until the Christmas holidays. In contrast, domestic travel in Germany should not be restricted in North Rhine-Westphalia, nor is there a ban on accommodation.

Soldiers help in Berchtesgadener Land

Meanwhile, in the particularly affected Bavarian district of Berchtesgadener Land, Bundeswehr doctors are helping to find the cause of the massive increase in crown numbers. The 20 or so forces will be used, among other things, to trace chains of infection, as a spokesman for the state command in Bavaria said. In certain cases, the Bundeswehr can be deployed within Germany.

The reason why so many people in the southeastern corner of Bavaria have contracted the corona virus is still open. A strict exit restriction has been in place in the district since Tuesday afternoon. In addition, schools and nurseries had to be closed. The opening of leisure facilities of all kinds and restaurants is no longer allowed. Events are prohibited, with the exception of religious services. Hotels also had to close, only business travelers can stay there.
