Currently “counterproductive”: the White House blocks Fauci’s audience


The United States House of Representatives is addressing possible omissions by the Trump administration in fighting the crown pandemic. Trump adviser Fauci should also speak, but should not.

The White House blocks a hearing scheduled by the prominent adviser and immunologist of the US government. USA Anthony Fauci on the crown crisis in the US House of Representatives. USA Deputy White House spokesman Judd Deere said Friday night that it was “counterproductive” to allow people working with the virus to be present at congressional hearings. These could be heard “in due course”. House Committee on Budget Committee spokesman Evan Hollander told NBC that Fauci was to be interviewed next week about how the Donald Trump government responded to the virus.

The House of Representatives is controlled by Democrats, who accuse Republican Trump of serious omissions in the Corona crisis. Trump had initially reduced the risk of the corona virus. In the investigation into impeachment proceedings against Trump in the Ukraine crisis, the White House had already blocked statements by government officials that the House of Representatives wanted to hear. At trial, Trump had been cleared of all charges in the Senate. The upper house of Congress is dominated by Trump Republicans.

Fauci is one of the leading experts in the White House Coronavirus Task Force. The immunologist warned the US states Thursday. USA That measures to prevent the spread of the virus are not hastily loosened. In such regions, there is a risk of new infections, he told CNN. So there would be almost no alternative to readjusting the protection measures. Trump is in favor of alleviating the situation as quickly as possible, than many US states. USA They have started now. He wants to mitigate the devastating consequences for the American economy.
