Curfews at all critical points of the pandemic – SWR Aktuell


The exit restrictions at the corona hotspots are intended to contain the pandemic. The corresponding plans have already been unveiled, now they have been announced on Friday.

The Baden-Württemberg state government has issued requirements for so-called corona hotspots. This was announced by a government spokesman on Friday. They apply to regions with “particularly extreme infection situations”. These are present with a seven-day incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last three days. Stronger measures must now enter into force here than those already valid in the general Corona regulations. A “diffuse infection process” should also be the condition.

According to infection figures updated daily by the State Health Ministry on Friday, the city districts of Mannheim, Pforzheim, Heilbronn and the district of Lörrach exceeded the critical mark of 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week. The country expects the new rules to be implemented within the next week.

In light of the high number of corona infections, the state government announced night-time exit restrictions on Thursday for particularly affected districts. As a result, individual districts in Baden-Württemberg had tightened their requirements for the population. In Mannheim, a night-out restriction will take effect on Saturday night.

What exit restrictions have been decided?

  • Said exit restrictions between 9pm and 5am are now mandated for regions that exceed the incidence value for three days. Exceptions are only possible, for example, for professional activities and doctor visits, or for walking.
  • Only people from two households can meet in public and private spaces, but no more than five people. Children of the respective household up to the age of 14 are exempt from this. Heterosexual relatives, spouses, civil partners or cohabiting couples who are not part of these households are no longer allowed to attend the meetings. This regulation could make it difficult or impossible for many Christmas gatherings.
  • All events are prohibited in hotspots, except for religious, religious and ideological communities for the practice of religion. However, these must comply with the applicable hygiene conditions.
  • Hair salons, barber shops and tanning salons will also be closed.
  • The same applies to all sports facilities, swimming pools, indoor pools, thermal pools, amusement pools and other pools. Unlike the Corona regulation, school sports, for example, are not possible either.
  • If you want to visit relatives in the hospital, you can only do so with an FFP2 mask or negative antigen test. Medical treatments will still be possible if necessary.
  • Also, discount campaigns are prohibited in retail if this is expected to lead to large numbers of people.

Five days in a row below 200 leads to everything being clear

The conditions for when the hotspot regulations can be lifted are also defined: As soon as the seven-day incidence value is less than 200 for five consecutive days, the local authorities can withdraw the measures. The regions also have a back door: in individual cases and “in agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs”, more exceptions are possible. The Tuttlingen district and the Schwarzwald-Baar district, for example, had already announced that they did not see any automatism for night-out restrictions and criticized the state government.

The State Ministry expressed its astonishment at the criticism from the different municipalities. In administrative matters, districts are subject to instructions, he said. In addition, the procedure was coordinated with the municipal associations.

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The community day supports the government

He is aware that exit restrictions are a violent means, said the president of the community assembly, Roger Kehle. But there is no other option. The municipalities are now behind the compromise reached. It is fair that these measures be fought long and hard, since they are important cuts for the country’s population.

The district council also wants to support exit restrictions. “The instruments provided in the Hotspot Decree are adequate to contain the infection process”, emphasized President Joachim Walter. “In all this, it is important that the decree contains an opening clause so that we can react to the situation in situ in agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs.”

The complete decree with all regulations in detail is published on the website of the Ministry.
