Cumbre Corona: schools and kindergartens remain closed! – Domestic politics


The summit started with a delay of more than three hours. The reason: everyone wants the lockdown to be extended, but some questions were left unanswered until the beginning.

But then the agreements followed almost instantly!

However, there were many problems, not so much because of the tightening of the crown’s measures, but because of the acquisition of vaccines from the federal government and the EU.

These points were decided

► HAMMER 1: Federal and state governments want to introduce a 15 kilometer radius restriction for citizens in risk areas! It means: “Crown strap” is coming!

The plan is that the federal states have the opportunity to restrict the range of movement of their citizens! And that is 15 kilometers from its registered office, where the incidence value exceeds 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

► HAMMER 2: Contact restrictions are also re-enforced. The plan: Private meetings should only be allowed with ONE person who does not live in the home.

► It was almost certain in advance: the measures will run until January 31 – initially …

► Schools are closed too! What was decided in December also applies until the end of January.

The draft resolution (available from BILD) only mentioned a step-by-step plan by the Permanent Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), which offered the prospect of a gradual return to schools starting in February, and that alone in the case of unspecified “significant improvement in infection rate”.

Bayerns Landes-Chef Markus Söder (wird heute 55!/CSU) ist mit Berlins Regierendem Bürgermeister Michael Müller (56, SPD) im Kanzleramt bei Angela Merkel (66, CDU) – alle anderen Länderchefs sind zugesPhoto: Fabian Matzerath

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The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (today turns 54 / CSU), was with the Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (56, SPD), in the Chancellery with Angela Merkel (66, CDU). On her birthday, she said, “What could be better than celebrating in this lovely circle?” All other country leaders only participate in the Corona summit.Photo: Fabian Matzerath

► According to the draft, the federal and state governments also want to grant each parent an additional ten days of child sickness benefit in 2021. Single parents receive 20 days of child sickness benefit, even if the children are cared for at home because school or the nursery are closed due to the crown.

Merkel: “When I unpack …”

“If I ever analyze what kind of mistakes were made here this round, if I would make it public …”

SPD countries face Spahn

And there were also problems with the vaccine!

Health Minister Jens Spahn (40, CDU) and Chancellor Merkel defended their purchasing policy: It was always clear that the vaccine would be in short supply at first. But Germany has not ordered very few, there is a prospect of more than 300 million cans, Spahn said.

The late approval by the European authority EMA has meant that other countries have created reserves, Merkel said. EMA approval was successful.

BILD learned: In addition to the SPD head of country, Manuela Schwesig and Malu Dreyer, it was mainly the mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, who complained about the confusion of the deliveries in January. Instead of four deliveries, only three would arrive in January.

OB Müller asks if the vaccine can also be stretched

Müller: “This is not a pill!” That’s because it has an impact on dating invitations. But countries need reliability.

Müller then asked if the Biontech vaccine could also be stretched. One participant in the round explained to BILD what he might have meant by this: “I understood what he meant asking if all six vaccines can be generated.”

But it could also have meant if the vaccination time could be extended, that is, if the interval between the 1st and the 2nd vaccination could be extended, as Great Britain does.

The Permanent Commission of Vaccination of the Ministry of Health is currently examining whether it is possible to take a sixth dose instead of just five from the Biontech ampoule.

GroKo noise about the vaccine

The head of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (46, SPD), had also announced that she wanted to address the Zoff issue of vaccines at the summit. Schwesig on BILD: “They won’t corner me just because I ask questions. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania we could inoculate twice what the federal government provides us. “

GroKo is already laughing at the vaccine order: on Monday, the Minister of Finance and the SPD’s main candidate for the federal elections, Olaf Scholz (62), made his ministerial colleague Jens Spahn (40, CDU) and the chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) will send you a submitted Vaccine Procurement Process questionnaire.

Schwesig continues: “We want to know what the federal government is doing to finally get more vaccines, especially for seniors and nursing homes. It is our job as Prime Minister to clarify this today, ”she said.

FDP general calls commission of inquiry

FDP Secretary General Volker Wissing (50) has launched a commission of inquiry into the federal government’s vaccination debacle. It is necessary to clarify whether the Chancellor has obstructed the Minister of Health, he said on BILD Live. When in doubt, this should be done “by a parliamentary commission of inquiry,” Wissing said. “This is not a small thing.”

Previously, the SPD made similar demands. SPD legal expert Florian Post (39) told BILD: “This scandal must be cleared up in the investigation committees of the Bundestag and the EU Parliament.” .

Merkel congratulated Söder on his birthday

At least there were good words at a preliminary meeting of the countries led by the Union for the summit: there, Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) congratulated the head of state of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU, today turns 54) on his birthday. He thanked her with the words, “What could be better than celebrating in this lovely circle?”

The dramatic situation of the crown

Background to the summit, the dramatic situation of the crown: the number of new infections remains high (11,897 in the last 24 hours), the incidence of 7 days is 134.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU), among others, stated that easing should only be possible from a value below 50.

Factsheet: Crown in Numbers - Infographic
