Cumbre Corona: Schools and kindergartens closed until February and new restrictions – national policy


The federal-state summit at the Chancellery began with a delay of more than three hours because the top crown administrators in the state did not agree.

But then the agreements followed almost instantly! The lockdown was not only initially extended until January 31, but it was also significantly tightened. Germany is now in a difficult lockdown!

There were many problems behind the scenes, but not so much because of the tightening of the crown’s measures, but because of the procurement of vaccines from the federal government and the EU. Merkel countered the SPD attacks with an explosive attack …

At a glance: that was decided

► HAMMER 1: The “Crown Belt”: A 15 kilometer radius restriction for citizens in risk areas!

The decision document (available from BILD) states: “In counties with a 7-day incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the federal states will take more local measures in accordance with the Infection Protection Act, in particular to limit the range of movement to 15 km around the Place of residence, unless there is a valid reason. Day trips are not explicitly a valid reason. “

► HAMMER 2: Contacts: Restraints tighten again. Private meetings are only allowed with ONE person who does not live in the home!

Until now, the maximum number of people in two households was five, not counting children under 14 years of age.

The new “friend’s rule” is different from what the government had already planned: this time, the only friend households have to choose from can change.

► Almost certain in advance: the lock extension. The measures decided in December will run until January 31 – initially …

► This also applies to schools and day care centers. You stay too! In other words: Measures such as suspension of attendance and distance learning remain in force. Regulations continue to apply to day care centers (eg emergency care at the local level).

The draft resolution only mentioned a step-by-step plan by the Permanent Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), which offered the prospect of a gradual return to schools from February, but only if there was a “clear improvement at infection rate “unspecified. There is nothing more of this in the final decision, but the familiar mantra from previous decisions: “The operation of day care centers and schools is of the utmost importance …”

► But there is more Child sickness benefit: Anyone who has to care for children at home should be able to receive an additional 10 days of child sickness benefit per parent (single parents up to 20 days).

► Canteens: They have to close too! “The company canteens are closed where the work processes allow it. Take out food and drink delivery is allowed. Consumption on the site is prohibited, ”says the state and federal newspaper.

Nursing homes: Also, family members should only be able to enter the facility after a crown test. The federal and state governments want to start an initiative to provide volunteers to support testing.

Corona Help: The full payment of the “November aid” for the beneficiaries must be made no later than January 10th. The so-called “Bridging Aid III” of the federal government (assumption of fixed costs up to a maximum of 500,000 euros per month) must be paid in the first quarter of 2021 or “as soon as possible”.

► Mandatory test when entering from risk areas: For entries from risk areas to Germany, a mandatory entry test will be introduced in the future, in addition to the 10-day quarantine requirement. The obligation to take the test upon entry can be fulfilled with the test within 48 hours prior to arrival or with the test immediately after entry.

The NEW measures should be launched no later than 11.1. apply – however, state parliaments have yet to give the green light. The new rules may apply earlier, but then differently depending on the federal state.

Hard bandages on the subject of vaccines.

The fight for the vaccine was carried out with hard bandages!

Health Minister Jens Spahn (40, CDU) and Chancellor Merkel defended their purchasing policy: It was always clear that the vaccine would be in short supply at first. But Germany has not ordered very few, there is a prospect of more than 300 million cans, Spahn said.

The late approval by the European authority EMA has meant that other countries have created reserves, Merkel said. EMA approval was successful.

BILD learned: In addition to the SPD head of country, Manuela Schwesig and Malu Dreyer, it was mainly the mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, who complained about the confusion of the deliveries in January. Instead of four deliveries, only three would arrive in January.

Mayor Müller asked if the vaccine can also be “stretched”

Müller: “This is not a pill!” That’s because it has an impact on dating invitations. But countries need reliability.

Müller then asked if the Biontech vaccine could also be stretched. One participant in the round explained to BILD what he might have meant by this: “I understood what he meant asking if all six vaccines can be generated.”

The Permanent Commission of Vaccination of the Ministry of Health is currently examining whether it is possible to take a sixth dose instead of just five from the Biontech ampoule.

But it could also have meant if the vaccination time could be extended, that is, if the interval between the 1st and the 2nd vaccination could be extended, as Great Britain does.
