Crown ticker Saxony on December 2: Prime Minister expects restaurants and hotels to close in January


11:01 am | Oberwiesenthal complains of loss of income from tourist tax

The Oberwiesenthal spa has suffered huge revenue losses in terms of visitor taxes this year. Although it was still possible to ski well at the beginning of the year and many vacationers also visited the place in the summer months, by the end there are several hundred thousand euros missing from the spa fee, says Mayor Mirko Ernst (FDP).

Due to the current partial lockdown, we have to accept considerable losses. That will increase to around 350,000 euros by the end of the year, so we cannot compensate for that.

Mirko ernst
Mayor of Oberwiesenthal

10:17 am | Also, religious services and devotions in the Dresden Frauenkirche

Services at the Dresden Frauenkirche will take place in December as planned. The Frauenkirche Foundation announced it. Despite the persistently high number of infections, the doors of the Frauenkirche are open for a few hours every day for silent prayer.

In addition, divine services and devotions are performed. More elaborate design services are also planned for the Christmas holidays. However, due to the corona pandemic, only a few hundred visitors are expected per service. Interested parties are kindly requested to contact the Frauenkirche, as admission on public holidays this year is only possible with seat tickets.

10:09 am | The municipal library of Taucha remains closed

In Taucha, the city library will be closed the rest of the year due to the current situation of the crown. As announced by the city administration, all loaned media will be automatically extended until January 15.

09:21 | Oberlichtenau New Year’s Eve race canceled

The Oberlichtenau New Year’s Eve race is canceled due to the corona pandemic. This was communicated by SG Oberlichtenau. This year’s cancellation is only the second since the race event’s premiere in late 1978/79. According to the club, the event has become a popular end-of-year event for the Saxon running family for the past 40 years. More than 400 runners from all over Germany have signed up every year.

08:45 am | Prime Minister: Restaurants and hotels will also be closed in January

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer sees the closure of restaurants and hotels as likely until January. You have to think ahead, says the CDU politician about ZDF ahead of today’s deliberations between the 16 prime ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). This includes saying to restaurateurs and hoteliers: “There will be no easy relaxation.” This applies to December.

“It can go on like this even in January,” says Kretschmer. This would go beyond the federal-state resolution of November 25. It was agreed to close on December 20. There it also establishes that it is assumed that the restrictions will be necessary “in early January.”

08:22 am | Food donated for the Leipzig Zoo

The Leipzig Zoo has started a fundraising campaign. This is to raise money to make up for missing income. Under the motto “A Christmas present for your favorite animal”, the food portions are offered symbolically on the zoo’s website. They cost between five and 300 euros.

The zoo has been closed again since early November due to the current partial lockdown. Zoo director Jörg Junhold said the new campaign wanted to give people the opportunity to be there for the zoo in a special way.

07:40 am | Zwickau health department under fire

The Zwickau district health department is six days late in processing corona cases. This was due to the high number of infections, the district office announced yesterday. The health authority will now increase by 40 more employees. According to the district office, additional rooms were rented to house them. To speed up processes, official quarantine notices will no longer be sent by mail. Zwickau’s health department had been criticized several times in recent days.

07:07 am | Hotel Association: Christmas nights aren’t worth it

According to the Saxon Hotel and Restaurant Association, opening hotels at Christmas is not worth it. Managing Director Axel Klein told MDR that many hotels had laid off staff or sent them to short-term jobs. These houses would not open especially during the holidays.

For hotels that are still open for overnight business stays, a few more guests were irrelevant. Klein also pointed out that hoteliers couldn’t control who gets to stay with them and with what intent. In several federal states, including Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, family members can sleep in hotels while on vacation. Overnight stays by tourists are prohibited.
