Crown ticker Saxony on December 1: 1,838 new infections on Tuesday in Saxony


12:22 pm | UKL needs to build more capacity

Leipzig University Hospital (UKL) is changing its operations due to the increasing number of corona. Until now, Covid patients have largely been supplied in parallel with normal operations. But now more capacity needs to be built, the UKL Medical Board announced on Tuesday.

Among other things, predictable and less urgent operations will be postponed. Affected patients will be informed in due course. Emergency care and urgent treatments are fully insured.

At the moment, 26 people with a corona infection are receiving intensive care at the Leipzig University Hospital, 40 are in the normal ward. The situation at the university hospital is still manageable, but much more tense than in spring, he said.

11:50 am | Frauenkirchen Christmas Eve without visitors and inside the church

The annual Christmas Eve of the Frauenkirche Foundation will be moved indoors this year due to the corona pandemic and will also be held without visitors. The service will be broadcast on MDR television.

An open-air church service as in the last 27 years could not be held in 2020 due to the crown, said the managing director of the Society for the Promotion of the Dresden Frauenkirche, Hans-Joachim Jäger. Vespers have been celebrated on December 23 since 1993, until now always in Neumarkt opposite the famous church.

The special service was first held in 1993 while the Frauenkirche was being rebuilt on the construction site.

10:00 am | Fewer unemployed despite partial closures

Despite crown-related restrictions, unemployment in Saxony fell in November. At the same time, however, there were many new short-time job advertisements, for example from the hotel industry and from companies in the sports, entertainment and recreation sectors. This was announced by the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency in Chemnitz. A total of around 126,600 people were registered as unemployed in Saxony in November. That’s a 1.6 percent decrease compared to October. The unemployment rate was reported at 6.0 percent.

The drop speaks of “a relatively robust labor market,” he said. This means that unemployment figures are still significantly higher than a year ago.
