Crown ticker Saxony: Compulsory tests in secondary schools from tomorrow


2:22 pm | Tens of thousands of vaccination appointments canceled in Saxony

Due to the discontinuation of corona vaccines with the active substance of Astrazeneca, a total of 47,500 vaccination appointments are canceled in Saxony. Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping said doses of the vaccine were not available until the federal government and the European Medicines Agency finally evaluated the British-Swedish company’s vaccine.

Furthermore, the vaccination project and the use of vaccination buses in Vogtland, as well as the model project with around 40 family doctors, cannot start as planned. That was unfortunate, Köpping said.

Currently 55,000 vaccination doses of Biontech are available in Saxony for second vaccinations. 1,800 doses of Moderna are also planned for the second vaccination this week.

1:54 pm | Compulsory tests in secondary schools starting tomorrow

The postponed compulsory crown test in secondary schools in Saxony will come into force tomorrow. This was announced by the Minister of Culture, Christian Piwarz, after today’s cabinet meeting. Accordingly, all students and teachers nationwide must be assessed before the start of the lessons. This should take about 20 minutes.

Those who cannot test negative or who do not want to be tested cannot enter the school building. Affected students would have to study at home. According to his own statement, Piwarz is confident in the voluntary nature of the teachers and hopes that disciplinary measures will not be necessary.

There is often a misconception and fear about self-assessments. We are not talking about deep smears on the nose and throat, we are talking about tests that go an inch or two into the nose.

Christian piwarz
Saxon Minister of Education

The Education Minister said that at the start of secondary school classes yesterday, voluntary corona rapid tests had already been carried out on around 16,000 schoolchildren. In 18 cases (as of March 16 at 11 am) the result was positive. When graduating classes returned to schools in January, about 17,000 tests had found 34 corona infections.

1:14 pm | Dresden property prices are rising despite the crown crisis

Despite the pandemic, the demand for real estate has apparently not been interrupted. As announced by the Immowelt portal, prices in cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants have risen sharply in some cases last year. Dresden recorded an increase of 20 percent.

Prices for an existing 80 square meter apartment were examined. Dresden was ahead of Munich or Hamburg in terms of price increases.

12:54 pm | Erzgebirge mayors criticize crown regulations

Before tomorrow’s video conference with the Prime Minister of Saxony, Kretschmer (CDU), eight mayors of the Erzgebirge wrote an open letter to him. In it, they criticize the regulations of the Crown in the Free State, which are no longer understandable from the point of view of the citizens of their communities.

There is strong criticism in the population for sticking to the advocacy value, says Schneeberg Mayor Ingo Seifert. “On the one hand, saying that we have to increase the number of tests, which will inevitably result in more numbers, and on the other hand, sticking to these fixed numbers, 50, 35 and 100, they no longer fit,” Seifert said.

11:52 am | Increase in the number of corona cases in Upper Lusatia

The Robert Koch Institute yesterday reported a corona incidence value of more than 100 for both the Bautzen district and the Görlitz district. If this continues to be the case today and tomorrow, the recent relaxation will have to be reversed. Among other things, there is a threat that contact restrictions will be intensified again. This would also affect retail and classroom teaching in schools. Museums and zoos would also have to close again.
