Crown summit today at the Chancellery on the ban of firecrackers on New Year’s Eve, shops, school – internal politics


The country’s leaders and Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) have been sitting together virtually at the Corona summit since 2 p.m. These are new measures in the fight against the spread of Covid-19. And also about how Germany will spend the holidays.

BILD says what has been decided so far.

► Ban on firecrackers!

The participants of the Corona summit decided to hold a Partial ban on firecrackers in streets and squares.: “The use of pyrotechnic technology is prohibited in busy squares and streets,” according to information from BILD.

The goal is to avoid the crowds.

However, unanswered questions remain: How exactly are “busy streets and squares” defined? How should the whole thing be controlled?

Cities must make exact specifications. It is also clear that the Free State of Saxony will call on its citizens and municipalities to take special care to maintain minimum distances during New Year’s Eve fireworks.

Also confirmed based on BILD information: There will be no blanket ban on the sale of firecrackers this year!

► New corona limit for hotspots!

According to BILD information, it will be from one in the future Incidence value of 200 Adjustment at the discretion of the federal states. The 16 prime ministers have thus prevailed with their common position.

According to information from the BILD, the decision document states: “In the case of particularly extreme infection situations with an incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week and a diffuse infection rate, the comprehensive general measures should be expanded” .

However, so far it is not clear what action it could take. More recently, the question of how day care centers and schools are treated in Corona hotspots has been the most controversial. This decision would also be at the discretion of the federal states.

► Rule for department stores: 20 square meters per customer!

There should also be a square meter rule in shopping malls. According to information from BILD, the following now applies: 20 square meters per customer, out of a commercial area of ​​800 square meters.

For example: The KaDeWe in Berlin covers 60,000 square meters (m2). So now 3000 customers can shop there at the same time.

● According to information from BILD, the new rule also applies to supermarkets. This could lead to queues at the inputs.

An example: The average size of an ALDI North is 950 square meters. It would mean: 47 customers can buy at the same time.

● The 10 square meter rule still applies to smaller stores.

► Ban on ski holidays in the EU until January 10?

The German government wants to work in the EU to prevent ski tourism in Europe in mid-January.

The Chancellor and the Prime Minister decided to appeal to the public “to refrain from all professional and private trips that are not absolutely necessary, especially tourist trips abroad, even with a view to the ski season.” “The federal government is asked to reach the regulations agreed at the European level to not allow ski tourism until January 10,” he continues.

According to information from BILD, an EU-wide ban is unrealistic.

► Contact restrictions

It was already clear before Wednesday’s summit: private meetings with friends, family and acquaintances should be more strictly limited. Independently and in another home, but in any case for a maximum of five people. Children up to 14 years old should be exempt from this.

The minister-presidents finally agreed this with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday, the German Press Agency learned from participants from various federal states. A confirmation from the federal government and the final resolution of the entire document were still pending. Schleswig-Holstein wants to adhere to its own contact restrictions.

The restrictions will be relaxed during Christmas, as was already known. As of December 23, meetings “with the closest family or friends” should be possible, up to a maximum of ten people in total. Associated children up to the age of 14 must be exempt from this.

According to information from the participants, the exemption should apply “no later than” until January 1. If this wording is kept, it would not initially be clear whether the relaxations will eventually also apply during New Year’s Eve.

Confrontation in the dispute over schools

The subject of schools will be discussed again in the video conference. This sparked a violent discussion at the last summit.

The chancellor is reportedly pushing for an adjustment, as is Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). However, possible measures such as cutting classes in half and / or changing lessons at critical points are highly controversial.

The politicians had announced that they wanted to keep schools and nurseries open for as long as possible.

Merkel on financial aid

Merkel also made it clear that the federal government would not be able to provide financial aid to the extent that it was last granted “all winter.” He was referring to help from Corona, which in November and December, for example, offset the loss of billing by restaurant owners.

backgroundIn December alone, the federal government is planning financial aid that is expected to total 17 billion euros, as reported in the run-up to deliberations in Berlin government circles.

November Help Requests Now Possible

Companies in partial closure and freelancers such as artists can now apply for November aid. The Federal Ministry of Economy announced Wednesday.

The first funds must be granted from the end of November in the form of installments; it is an advance on subsequent payments without further examination. Specifically, companies must receive a discount of up to 50 percent of their requested amount, up to a maximum of 10,000 euros. Those affected can indicate in their November aid application if they want an advance.

The basis for the deliberations at the Chancellery is a 16-page resolution proposal.

Because all of this?

New and stricter measures are needed so that the number of new corona infections decreases and Christmas 2020 is not an even sadder festival.

It quickly became clear why the situation is so dire. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) right at the start of the meeting: “We must not waste time. The death toll is currently as high as if a plane crashed every day. “
