Crown Summit: fines and upper limits |


In regions heavily affected by the corona virus, only a maximum of 50 people should be allowed to participate in celebrations. In the future, you will incur fines for incorrect information in restaurants and bars. The federal and state governments have agreed to this.

In their crown conference, the federal and state governments agreed that only a maximum of 50 people will be able to participate in the celebrations in public spaces. This applies if there are more than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a district within seven days. There is a maximum limit of 25 people for celebrations at home. This was announced by Chancellor Merkel after the meeting with the state prime ministers.

If more than 50 new infections are detected per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, no more than 25 participants should participate in the events in public or rented rooms. In private, it is strongly recommended not to plan more than ten people.

More attention should also be paid to correcting personal information when visiting bars and restaurants. If the information is incorrect, it should be possible to impose a fine of 50 euros. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther (CDU), announced a fine of up to 1000 euros for these cases.

Hygiene rules remain in force

Merkel emphasized that the so-called AHA formula (1.5 meter distance, wash hands, daily mask) will remain in place. But there is another important issue: ventilation must be taken seriously. Ventilation could become one of the most effective and economical measures in the fight against the pandemic. The federal government had previously announced a € 500 million program to modernize ventilation systems.

Second block “absolutely to be avoided”

Merkel stressed that a second national lockdown must be avoided. It is important to “act regionally, specifically and precisely”. For example, entire schools should no longer be quarantined, but rather “affected groups”, eg age groups. You also need a testing strategy for teachers and children “and a certain behavior when an infection occurs.”

“We learned a lot and we had a good summer,” Merkel said. But now the number of new infections has risen again, which is worrying for the fall and winter.

The primary goal of the federal government is to keep the economy running and schools and day care centers open. Therefore, it is still important to comply with hygiene regulations, said the Chancellor.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on September 29, 2020 at 5:00 pm
