Crown rule: “Merkel also makes people uneasy”


reThe German Tourism Association has shown that it is disappointed that the accommodation ban continues to exist. “It is a major setback for Germany as a travel destination that accommodation bans in many federal states continue to apply initially,” managing director Norbert Kunz said Wednesday night. If you follow the rules, holidays in Germany do not pose any particular risk.

The hosts of holiday apartments and hotels have shown that they take hygiene and contact rules seriously and apply them. “Overnight stays are not the problem and therefore should still be possible.” The association warned that many companies were slowly running out of air.

Most federal states decided last Wednesday that citizens of places with a very high number of corona infections can only be housed when traveling within Germany if they can present a negative corona test that is no more than 48 hours old. This should work for travelers from areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. There was massive criticism of this. The federal and state governments also did not reach an agreement at the Foreign Ministry on Wednesday and postponed the issue until November 8. Until then, the effectiveness of this measure must be verified.

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Municipalities welcomed the resolutions of the federal and state governments to contain the corona pandemic. “The focus of the measures in the risk areas, the so-called hotspots, is correct,” said Gerd Landsberg, executive director of the German Association of Cities and Municipalities, the “Rheinische Post” of Düsseldorf. The requirement of tight masks there, as well as the contact restrictions at public and private events with a corresponding determination of the number of participants could achieve the necessary effect.

“We learned in the course of the pandemic that it is private events and ignorance of distance, masks and hygiene regulations that drives infection,” Landsberg said. Alcohol and the disinhibition and indifference associated with the existing rules play an important role. Landsberg therefore welcomed the planned curfew. “That is always better than having to close restaurants and bars in the end, as is now the case in the Netherlands,” he argued.

Bartsch: “Merkel makes people even more insecure”

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Dietmar Bartsch, accuses Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) of disturbing the population. “Anyone who, like the Federal Chancellor, announces resolutions and sends the signal at the same time, these are not enough, it makes people feel even more insecure in a very complicated situation. The broad discipline of citizens is our most important asset, ”said Bartsch WELT.

Bartsch also called for the Bundestag and state parliaments to be involved in managing the crown crisis. “If anti-crown measures restrict fundamental rights and freedoms, it is possible that they will not only be debated and decided in the Foreign Ministry, but also in parliaments.”

Bartsch showed little understanding to keep the accommodation ban at least until the next Crown summit on November 8: “Who really said the virus when the autumn break in Bavaria is over?”

Göring-Eckardt criticizes the permanent “patchwork quilt”

The new resolutions were criticized by the Greens. Despite the increasing number of infections, Merkel and the heads of governments of the countries could not have agreed uniform rules at all times, the leader of the green parliamentary group Katrin Göring-Eckardt told the newspapers of the Funke media group. Some central measures have been decided with the obligation to wear masks and contact restrictions, “but consistently joint and future-oriented actions have failed.”

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“With the persistence of accommodation bans, a patchwork quilt remains in a central area,” criticized the politician Verde. “The fact that this decision was postponed until after the holidays must have seemed like a joke in bad taste to many of those affected. Other important issues have also been excluded,” for example, how the concepts of protection for the elderly and people of risk groups, where participation, dignity and The focus is on humanity ”.

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Göring-Eckardt reiterated his demand for an independent and interdisciplinary pandemic council, “so that scientifically sound proposals and non-national political disputes shape the success or failure of the fight against the virus.”

For the German Foundation for the Protection of the Patient, the stricter federal and state measures in the critical points of the crown do not go far enough. The foundation’s board member, Eugen Brysch, told the German Press Agency: “The stricter rules for corona hotspots can only be a first step here. Because the way the few officials from the public order offices must monitor it ”.

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They also lacked “binding targets to stabilize health authorities or to establish municipal medical and nursing support groups.” The dispute over the accommodation bans here overlaps the solutions to the problems. “That is dangerous for the high-risk group.”

Brysch further argued: “If the number of new infections increases, the progression of severe disease and deaths from corona also increase with a delay.” People in need of care and people with chronic diseases are particularly affected.

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With regard to the uncontrollable spread of the corona pandemic with unpredictable consequences for citizens and the economy, the federal and state governments are tightening countermeasures at critical points. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime minister agreed on Wednesday uniform rules for cities and regions with a high number of infections. These include an expansion of the mask requirement, a limitation on the number of guests at private celebrations, contact restrictions in public spaces, and a curfew for restaurants.

Merkel made it clear that she was not satisfied with all the resolutions. He did not rule out even stricter measures if there were no improvements in ten days in which the development of the infection had to be observed.
