Crown restrictions: Left party sees “plan on how to lose citizens”


Germany Bartsch Course in Corona

The Left Party sees a “plan to lose citizens”

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So the federal states are in favor of a partial blockade

If Chancellor Angela Merkel has her way, far-reaching measures should be decided at the federal-state summit to contain the corona virus. But not all federal states like the idea of ​​a partial shutdown.

So much “normal life”, as little “scaremongering” as possible in the crown pandemic: the warning tones come from the FDP before the prime ministers’ deliberations. Dietmar Bartsch of the Left Party even sees “disproportionate” concepts.

secondUndestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki has criticized the restrictions the federal government is seeking to combat the corona pandemic. “Let’s focus on the groups that really need to be protected,” said the FDP politician on Deutschlandfunk.

As long as possible “normal life” should be allowed while observing hygienic protection measures. “I urgently warn against scaremongering, which can also lead to wrong decisions,” he said.

Kubicki referred to court decisions that had overturned lodging bans in the federal states. Accommodation facilities cannot be closed if there is no evidence that the infection process is intensifying there. “The Basic Law also applies during the pandemic,” he said. He advocated a different approach depending on the federal state.

Restrictions as of November 4

Party leader Christian Lindner already had the night before On twitter Criticizes excessive restrictions: “According to media reports, Ms Merkel wants to shut down the restaurant business entirely. I think it is unnecessary and therefore also unconstitutional. Let’s see what comes today. “

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Coronavirus - Hamburg

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is advising the Prime Minister in a video conference on Wednesday. According to a draft submitted to the German Press Agency, the federal government wants drastic contact restrictions from 4 November. Leisure facilities and restaurants are about to close, and hotel stays are only allowed for necessary purposes. Schools and nurseries must remain open.

Support for parts of the plans came from virologist Alexander Kekulé. Reject a restricted lock: the “lock light”. It makes more sense to crack down on violations of existing rules, he tells broadcaster MDR.

However, closing restaurants is pointless. “The problems are actually in the private sphere. That is the area where we cannot keep up with regulatory measures. “

Left Party: Where are the concepts?

Criticism also came from the left-wing parliamentary group. The leader of the parliamentary group, Dietmar Bartsch, described the federal plans as “often disproportionate and ineffective”. Bartsch wrote that it was a plan to lose citizens On twitter. “You lead people into the private space where most infections occur. That can never be imposed nationally across the country. “

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Bartsch’s party colleague, Thuringian Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, had already announced Tuesday that he would not agree with a possible shutdown decision.

Bartsch also demanded that whoever closes must help. “Where is the government’s social and aid plan? Where are the millions of rapid tests for homes and hospitals? Where are the staff? Very little precaution was taken! “
