Crown restraints – no relief in sight


Before tomorrow’s federal-state meeting, the voices of those who do not see room for relaxation are increasing: the infection situation still does not give that. Municipalities are asking for a new aid package.

Angela Ulrich, ARD Capital Studio

Better protection of risk groups in the corona pandemic: The federal government apparently now wants to achieve this through an additional measure. Older people and residents of nursing homes, for example, should receive protective masks free of charge. The dpa news agency has learned that the grand coalition wants to write it into an ordinance on the new infection protection law.

The Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, had it in the ARD already endorsed, but added this note: “That is certainly an option. But it does not mean that we do not need the measures now in November. There is no alternative to protect risk groups or lower the numbers. Both must happen.”

No changes for the better

On Wednesday, the amended Infection Protection Act should be approved by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. Next, the regulation should define the risk groups and regulate what type of masks and how many of them can be administered. Bremen, for example, started a similar offering at the state level.

Before the new exchange between the chancellor and the heads of government of the states tomorrow, there will be more voices that reject the relaxation of the crown’s measures. For Peter Altmaier, there are still no changes to improve. The Federal Minister of Economy does not see scope to reopen restaurants. We couldn’t afford a yo-yo shutdown with the economy opening and closing all the time, says Altmaier in “Bild am Sonntag.”

More mobility than in spring

The virologist at the Geneva University Hospital, Isabella Eckerle, explained to the WDRexplains why it might be more difficult this time for the measures to take effect: “Because there, and you know that from the mobility data, for example, people are more active right now than they were in the spring. That means We can also expect it to take longer to see the effect on the number of infections. “

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder is thinking more about tightening the old rules. Gerd Landsberg from the Association of Cities and Municipalities also rejects any easing at this time, but participates NDR information A ray of hope: “There are first signs of a slowdown in the dynamics of infections, but clearly the wave has not yet broken.”

Municipalities ask for help

At the same time, Landsberg calls for a new aid package for municipalities for next year, in view of tax shortages and lack of revenue. “And what is not taken into account at all: there are other areas, such as income from buses and trains, museums, swimming pools, all that is partially disappearing. And that is why I hope there will be another aid package, because on the other hand of course our expenses are also increasing. “

More staff in health departments or in the police, for example: cities and municipalities could not handle all of this alone, Landsberg warns.

Tomorrow at lunchtime, the Chancellor will meet again with the heads of state government. Together they want to take stock of what the new crown restrictions have brought.
