Crown on Kehl – Hamster purchase due to rumors: “State of emergency”


Due to the increasing number of corona cases, a region of Baden-Württemberg is being declared a risk zone. Some Alsatians react greatly to this and hoard again.

According to the city of Kehl, rumors of border closures have sparked a “state of emergency” there. As a city council spokeswoman announced on Friday, there were subway lines in front of shops and tobacconists, countless cars at gas stations and up to 100 people at the same time at local pharmacies. “I was as busy as usual on a French holiday,” he reported. Despite the drizzle, a sea of ​​people moved through the city.

The trigger was the reports in various Strasbourg media, according to which the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) declared the Région Grand Est a risk zone due to the development of the crown situation. Until Saturday, the federal government classified almost all of France, including the Grand Est region, to which Alsace belongs, which borders Baden-Württemberg, as a corona risk area.
