Italy requires ski resorts across Europe to be closed until January 10. Was that with the ski vacation? Austria reacts promptly.
- Corona *: Italy requires ski areas to be closed until January 10 inclusive.
- There should be a European roadmap in this regard.
- In Austria, one does not seem to agree with this at all.
Update as of November 25, 5:30 pm: The affected regions in the north Italians have talks with the Italian government in ROM necessary. The reason for this is the dreaded going solo Austria and the Switzerland at the opening of the Ski areas. What gave Venetians President Luca Zaia announced on Wednesday. Previously there were, among other things South tyrol Governor, Arno Kompatscher and Liguriens The president, Giovanni Toti, spoke about it.
While The Prime Minister of Italy, Guiseppe Conte for a transnational Season opening had pronounced on January 10, 2021, rejects Austria a uniform regulation for the subsequent opening of the ski areas. Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz wants the opening of Austrian ski areas only from the Infection numbers in Austria make them dependent.
Christmas ban on skiing? Federal Chancellor Kurz considers the international vote to be “excessive”
Update on November 25 at 4:04 pm: Ski ban on Christmas – let it be “exaggerated“That there is a international vote added, said the Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz to a question at a press conference in Vienna. And furthermore: “I spoke to both the President of the Commission and the President of the Council about it and I had the impression that the European Union is not the task now see details for certain countries here. ”
Austrian Chancellor Kurz takes Söder and Conte to the parade
Opening of steps in all areas, including the Sport it would be handled differently by states, Kurz said. Austria is relying on lockdown and massive testing to lower crown numbers in December. The winter season in the alpine republic could also begin. Loosening is always related to the number of infections, that is, the Infection numbers here in AustriaKurz emphasizes.
“I can only tell you that if someone is going for a run alone right now, then it is just as dangerous as someone doing a ski tour alone,” Kurz said. “If anyone has one Lift so it’s similar to when you use a Public transport used. You have to make decisions based on these aspects. “
Christmas ski ban: that’s what Italy, Bavaria and France want
Prime Minister of Italy Giuseppe Conte wants to keep ski areas closed until at least January 10 in light of the corona pandemic. Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) supported the advance (see update below). Also the French president Emmanuel macron he spoke in favor of opening in January “in good condition” and coordinating with neighboring countries. Austrian Finance Minister Gernot Blümel reacted sensitively to the proposals. He immediately demanded billions in compensation from Brussels if the ski lifts closed over the Christmas holidays.
Christmas ski ban because of Corona? Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz reacts indignantly (symbol photo).
Update on November 25 at 2:05 pm: the Bavarian ski area operator face a difficult winter. Rarely has a season been as difficult to plan as this year. Antonia asenstorfer of the ski association Alpenplus expects a Opening of the ski areas even before the December holidays. “The Christmas holidays alone account for about a quarter of our winter sales. The loss would be enormous. ”
Asenstorfer emphasizes: “We are at the starting line and we are convinced that we can start operations and the necessary Protection measures You can keep. “Too Verena AltenhofenThe spokeswoman for the Zugspitz ski area explains: “As soon as we can, we will open.” The conditions on the slope are currently a dream.
Corona-Aus for ski vacations? Söder flies his statement around the ears
Update from November 25 at 12.20 pm.: the Tourism officer the federal government, Thomas Bareißsee a general Ski season ban critical. “Safety also comes first in winter. But I am convinced that skiing is one certain scope And below clear criteria for example, a maximum number of daily ski passes is possible without any problem. We should do the possible things where security can be created. I think a blanket ban is wrong, ”he said Wednesday. dpa.
The Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder harvested after their demand to close ski areas across Europe Contradiction from your own coalition partner. “One supranational Winter sports ban Disproportionately restricts many people’s quest for relaxation. That is why I speak against blanket closures, especially since all mountain railways have developed excellent hygiene concepts that they consistently implement, “said the leader of the Free Voters parliamentary group. Florian Streibl on Tuesday. He specifically warned against a shutdown exclusively German ski areas.
The tourism policy spokesman moved on Wednesday Bavarian State Parliament FDP with his review after. “How does Söder want to explain to people that they are in a fully occupied subway? mask Are you allowed to sit together, but can’t ride an outdoor chairlift? “I ask Albert duin. He does not understand why outdoor sports without physical contact should be prohibited. With the good Hygiene concepts, a special ticket management, as well as a staggering of time, allow Ski operation very well in the context of Crown rules design, explained Dune.
Corona-Aus for ski vacations? Austria reacts to proposals by rejecting them
Update as of November 25 at 9.45 am.: In Austria if you are not happy with the suggestion Ski areas closed allow. Italy the last question that one Closing throughout Europe at least until January 10. The Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder he also came out in favor of a uniform solution at the European level.
Austria reacted vehemently Rejection on suggestions. Finance Minister Gernot Blümel demanded one financial compensation from the EUsee first report). The Minister of Tourism Elisabeth Köstinger made it clear: “Winter break in Austria it will be safe. Our companies have safety concepts for ski vacations, there will be no après-ski this year ”. The people of the Alpine republic are convinced that the Ski tourism With Distance rules Y Hygiene concepts It can work like summer tourism this year.
In France has become president Emmanuel macron despite a slight improvement Corona-Lage pronounced against the rapid opening of winter sports resorts. There is still a government vote, but you think impossible, one Holiday opening at the end of the year, the head of state said in a televised speech Tuesday night. “We will coordinate with our European neighbors on this issue,” he said.
Corona-Aus for ski lovers? Söder supports the Italian proposal
Update from November 24 at 21:45: Don’t have a ski vacation at Christmas? Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) supports the Italian advance. “If we want to keep the borders open, we also need a clear agreement on what Skiing concerns. Otherwise it will be a difficult development, ”he said in Munich on Tuesday. Anyone who goes skiing in risk areas has to spend ten days in quarantine. “I would prefer that we have a uniform agreement at the European level: there are no open lifts anywhere or there are no holidays anywhere.”
Crown-off for the ski vacation? Italy calls for a Europe-wide ban: Austria reacts vehemently
First report of November 24: Munich / Vienna – How is the Crown year 2020 Celebrated Christmas? Will winter holidays be possible? Question after question piles up as many parts of Europe battle the second wave of coronavirus *. The number of new infections * is increasing in many places or remains high. Despite many restrictions, there still seems to be no reason to give the go-ahead. On Wednesday (November 25) Angela Merkel and the country’s heads will meet to decide on new crown measures. Especially the neighboring countries of Germany Italy Y Austria they are fighting the pandemic. The topic Ski holiday is hotly debated there.
Coronavirus: Conte clouds outlook for winter holidays and Christmas: “not possible”
“It’s not possible Winter Break allow, we cannot afford it ”, said the Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte in an interview with the television “La7”. Conte has thus clouded the prospects for a winter break and a normal Christmas.
Italy strives to coordinate with Chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU) and the President of France, among others Emmanuel macron one European roadmap for the progressive opening of ski areas. According to media reports, there is agreement among heads of government that an uncoordinated and too fast opening as in the summer would be a mistake. Conte wants Ski areas in view of the Corona pandemic * at least until January 10 closed to hold.
Italian regions also called for at least one transnational regulation. If the ski slopes were closed, this should apply to all of Europesaid the president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, in an interview with the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” (Tuesday).
Corona: ski areas closed until January 10? – “If the EU wants that, it has to pay for it”
Austria, which has been emphasizing for months that it wants to open the ski slopes with due precautions at all costs, reacted this Tuesday with vehement rejection. The country is currently in a “hard lockdown”.
“If the EU really stipulates that ski areas must remain closed, that means costs of up to two billion euros. If the EU really wants that, then it has to pay for it. “said the Austrian finance minister Gernot Blümel on Tuesday.
Coronavirus in Austria: “If ski areas have to remain closed …”
“We have in Austria For all those areas that we have officially closed, we have established a revenue replacement in the shortest time possible. If the ski areas are to remain closed, then the EU has to provide compensation for ski breaks, ”demanded Blümel.
If they remain closed for three weeks, Austrian ski resorts are expected to lose sales of 2.4 billion euros. 80 percent income replacement, like him in Austria for him Corona-Pandemie Closed companies receive payments of around 2,000 million euros, his ministry justified the bill.
Meanwhile, a doctor harshly criticized the Merkel government’s measures during the crown pandemic.* Merkur.de is part of the national Ippen digital publishing network (dpa / mbr)
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